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Speed Up Boost - Get rid of them and don't give them to playere

Tue, Dec 25 2012 1:11 AM (20 replies)
  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 3:32 PM

    some people, never satisfied

    happy holidays!!

  • pjschaub
    173 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 3:59 PM

    I 2 agree, Some people can get a free car and still say "I wanted the blue one" Just goes to show you the real nature of some.

    First time for me and it is not what I would use, But that is no reason to be ungrateful. I appreciate the gift.  God Bless even if you don't want that either.


    P.S. THX to the WGT crew and may all your ventures in the new year be plenty.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 8:52 PM


    get real this is  b.s. wgt showing how damn cheap they are LOL

    Im sorry but I agree. Gifts should have been based on forum help, length of membership, money spent etc etc etc.

    A sleeve of balls would have been most useful not something that alot of people dont use . That thing will sit in my menu forever.

    I mean really a sleeve of balls for what a person currently uses . Doesnt cost a penny for WGT to do that.

    Thanks for the cheese n crackers though :)

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 8:58 PM

    Thanks for the cheese n crackers

    I just dont understand you some days .

    Sorry ,

    OPY iaaRft

  • Joe12pack
    4 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 9:17 PM

    But why should we have to stop our round, turn off an "option" we didn't even choose to use. Pathetic waste of my time.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 10:08 PM


    Thanks for the cheese n crackers

    I just dont understand you some days .

    Sorry ,

    OPY iaaRft

    That makes 2 of us .

  • TeeWade
    1,216 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 10:17 PM


    But why should we have to stop our round, turn off an "option" we didn't even choose to use. Pathetic waste of my time.

    Really is no more pathetic than your time wasted playing an online game. Furthermore, turn it off BEFORE you start a game and voila, no need for stopping during your game. Actually, you can do it during your game when its not your turn. Easy fixes for ya bud. I guess I was lucky, they gave me a new driver and 3 sleeves of Nike balls  :)

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 10:18 PM

    I guess I was lucky, they gave me a new driver and 3 sleeves of Nike balls  :)

    Ya right.

  • TeeWade
    1,216 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 10:24 PM


    I guess I was lucky, they gave me a new driver and 3 sleeves of Nike balls  :)

    Ya right.

      LOL  well, someone has to lighten the mood around here over these speed boosts. Never seen such bytching and whining over something for free. Lighten up peeps  :)


  • noputtbob
    1 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 11:33 PM

    yes thx...but i found 2 late. I wasted a entire round just to get ride of the the thing.....Thx...but no thx WGT