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Best of Putting competition ?

rated by 0 users
Sat, Mar 23 2013 6:35 AM (30 replies)
  • WillieSinkit
    1,761 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 12:49 PM


    The Best of Putting competition becomes a complete farce when your opponent only uses a wedge to take their shots.

    Yes, I appreciate that there is no ruling in real golf that says you can't use a wedge on the green and yes, I also appreciate that the Pro's do it regularly.

    However, I think a Best of Putting competition should be just that - putting, especially when one is playing for credits.

    Would it therefore be possible to put an embargo on all other clubs when playing this competition please ?

    Many thanks and keep up the good work.


  • KJock43
    141 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 1:18 PM

    I think if the putting distances were reasonable, you wouldn't see wedges being used.  I don't blame the players for using a wedge for a 25 yard putt or more.  We don't generally encounter those distances during normal play. At least I don't.

  • steveosh
    102 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 3:27 PM

    I don't know, just to see i went and tried a wedge.. the first hole is over 100 ft away, a full wedge swing went 30ish feet. nowhere near the hole

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 3:58 PM


    I don't know, just to see i went and tried a wedge.. the first hole is over 100 ft away, a full wedge swing went 30ish feet. nowhere near the hole

    If you are going to use a wedge on the green it needs to be a punch shot I think. 

  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 4:25 PM



    I don't know, just to see i went and tried a wedge.. the first hole is over 100 ft away, a full wedge swing went 30ish feet. nowhere near the hole

    If you are going to use a wedge on the green it needs to be a punch shot I think. 

    With all apologies to the O.P.....the object of the game is to get the ball in the hole...I understand his frustration, but, I only play that game using wedges...and always ask the other players if it offends them. If it does, and as I play it as a tracked game, I'll forfeit. But, if they want it to be only putting, then as the OP says, WGT should remove the option of using other clubs. Until they do, I'll wedge away. For reference to steveosh...I use only full swing shots....for me, the formula is "roughly" double the distance....depending on wind and slope.  My personal best with all wedges (except #8---9 iron) is 615K. isn't as easy as it seems...I'd suggest anyone gives it a try just for fun...makes it a whole new set of shots to learn.

  • WillieSinkit
    1,761 Posts
    Thu, Dec 27 2012 2:15 AM


    Some interesting responses so far - many thanks.

    Another option might be for WGT to just rename the competition to "Get it in the hole with whatever" ?

    Or even have a separate competition for members who don't wish to use their putter in a putting contest ?



  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Thu, Dec 27 2012 2:04 PM



    Some interesting responses so far - many thanks.

    Another option might be for WGT to just rename the competition to "Get it in the hole with whatever" ?

    Or even have a separate competition for members who don't wish to use their putter in a putting contest ?



    willie----lol...I like that name------"get it in the hole with whatever"...except I'd then want to use a hand wedge as well.

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Thu, Dec 27 2012 2:11 PM


    I think if the putting distances were reasonable, you wouldn't see wedges being used.  I don't blame the players for using a wedge for a 25 yard putt or more.  We don't generally encounter those distances during normal play. At least I don't.

    The putting distances are reasonable. Do you want 10 ft putts for every hole? That would defeat the purpose. An embargo on all clubs except the putter would be cool.

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Thu, Dec 27 2012 2:18 PM

    i join in  what you have said  here WillieSinKit.         Putting contest   with putters   only . I say,  CTTH  use drivers on the greens or  wedges  is ok w me :)

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Thu, Dec 27 2012 2:25 PM

    I agree with the OP. Best of Putting should be limited to putter. WGT could have a best of GREEN for those that wish to use wedges.