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Green Speeds

rated by 0 users
Wed, Dec 26 2012 1:54 PM (3 replies)
  • MacNH
    35 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 10:51 AM

    First off, I would normally done a search but the search option appears to have disappeared.

    I am a newbie to the Legend tier. We all know that the green speeds change with each advancement in tiers. That is until you reach Legend. Legends still play on Tournament greens but they are significantly different from Tour Master greens. When I play in a weekly/monthly tournament, I am starting off guessing which green I'm on. Every time I play, I look up and read Tournament but guess which one. A simple fix would be just making the green speed "L Tournament" or "TM Tournament" green speed.

    Just a thought.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 10:54 AM

    I doubt it will happen. They know of the discrepancy but don't seem bothered by it. Oh, and there is a speed beyond Legend speed.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 1:46 PM

    Legends still play on Tournament greens but they are significantly different from Tour Master greens. When I play in a weekly/monthly tournament, I am starting off guessing which green I'm on.

    This was addressed in the very first MisterWGT chat and you won't see a distinction between the 2 in a label. You're going to find that in all Legend games you will see the true Legend speed but as soon as tiers get mixed you're going to see something less. It changes during the week, too. Many have screamed about it (not that you are) but it isn't going to change. The key is what the rest of the field is.

  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 1:54 PM


    First off, I would normally done a search but the search option appears to have disappeared.

    I am a newbie to the Legend tier. We all know that the green speeds change with each advancement in tiers. That is until you reach Legend. Legends still play on Tournament greens but they are significantly different from Tour Master greens. When I play in a weekly/monthly tournament, I am starting off guessing which green I'm on. Every time I play, I look up and read Tournament but guess which one. A simple fix would be just making the green speed "L Tournament" or "TM Tournament" green speed.

    Just a thought.


    The green speeds also change somewhat from week to week. A good way to find what they are is play a quick 2 or 3 hole practice round on Monday before you start playing the tourneys. Don't worry about how you hit the ball just get to the green and test it out to see how the green speeds are running that week. It works fairly well. I started doing that when i noticed one week that the legend tournament speed was just barely over very fast that week.