- You make it a long weekend perhaps and invite players to participate.
- The players would pay there way there and potentially entrance fee (or if WGT is feeling generous, they could sponsor players based on a variety of factors).
- Players would all compete on exact same equipment
- Play could consist of a combo strokeplay and matchplay format
- Payouts would be based on finish and placing
- Webcast the whole thing
Nice thought JC but you see how quick WGT responded,,,lol. Roughly the same idea / suggestion was brought up some time back. I should say, waaay back. Approx 2-3 years ago someone suggested this.
It woudl be cool but I think TWO of the biggest deterrents would be "the cost and time" on both sides of that coin. I am near positive WGT will NOT foot the bill for travel and or hotel lodging. Second, I am sure there are some that could afford a trip / wkend get away as what your suggesting BUT again, when you sit back and look at the WHOLE picture, the cost, the time, and work involved to put something as big as this together IMO just isnt feasible JC.
Now this said - It would be absolutely feasible if you grab players from the San Fran area or even the Cali area for that matter. No probs there, I think. There would still be a fair amount of time, money and work involved. Also, staying in the Cali area you would recruite / invite only a hand full of select players.
Sounds great JC but IMO I just dont think WGT will EVER do this.
Lets hear what WGT has to say ?????