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formula fo tournment speed putts

Sun, Dec 30 2012 8:21 PM (20 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 4:29 PM

    A small example say at Oakmont #2, you are above the hole 15 feet away and the down slope is 6 inches, so a 9 foot putt effectively.

    It's an art that science(math) can help with.

    Don't think anyone is talking about 'out of the norm putts' it's just a general guide that you fine tune by experience alone...

    Also questioning the systems of people whose putting stats are significantly better than yours is shortsighted at best.


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 4:36 PM

    There is more than one Tourny Speed Green.  Normal and Faster. You don't know which one until you start to putt.

    I don't use the charts, but they give you a very good idea for starters.

    17ft and 10 downhill is not the same as 9ft and 2 downhill. The more downhill run you have the less you have to hit.

    Here is my simple template for tourny speed greens....  

    15ft putt will travel 20ft

    18ft putt will go 24ft

    30ft putt will go 40ft

    36ft putt will travel 48ft

    and so on.....

    Just a simple template, using the Rozza putter....   you have to add or subtract downhill uphill and left or right slope on the greens,  but to keep things simple that's a good starting point and the rest will come from experience :)


  • muttsnutts69
    283 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 5:09 PM


    A small example say at Oakmont #2, you are above the hole 15 feet away and the down slope is 6 inches, so a 9 foot putt effectively.

    It's an art that science(math) can help with.

    Don't think anyone is talking about 'out of the norm putts' it's just a general guide that you fine tune by experience alone...

    Also questioning the systems of people whose putting stats are significantly better than yours is shortsighted at best.


    Take it easy Andy. I wasn't questioning anyone's system. I simply said how can anyone play virtual golf confronted with all those numbers, if I remember correctly.

    And if we are talking shortsighted, then how can you possibly relate my puttings stats to people who have been here years and played thousands of rounds. I am at the beginning of playing, so the majority of my ranked rounds and puttin will have been with inferior equipment and a very low skill level.

    Obviously a skill level that is increasing exponentially..

    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 6:40 PM

    Here is my simple template for tourny speed greens....  

    Same maths :)

    take your 20ft and dived by the 1.35, = your 15ft


    I simply said how can anyone play virtual golf confronted with all those numbers,

    not a lot of numbers.

    Just one to think of per green speed.

    And yes, certain holes have their idiosyncrasies

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 6:50 PM


    Downslope  -33%  upslope -25%  I not use charts I do this in my head. It work for me you see putting averages on mine profile.

    You're putting isn't great at all according to your stats.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 6:55 PM

    Bugggyyy, i was going to say something but u beat me too it. What ever she is using i would stay far away from, lol, :) Putting in my opinion is different for each players style of putting. Some like to die to hole, some like to jam them. So with that being said depends on players style as to how hard to hit.

    I don't mine running putt bye the hole sometimes, because i rarely miss the come backer.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 3:30 AM

    And if we are talking shortsighted, then how can you possibly relate my puttings stats to people who have been here years and played thousands of rounds

    Actually I was comparing them to mine and you've been here 7 months longer...

    Anyway hope you got what you were looking for. There seems to be a consensus that some math will be needed to get your ave down..I'm guessing in the 1.40s for T/L.

    Go sink em.....:)



  • Olivierin44
    1 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 4:15 AM

    Hello everyone, i would like to know why I can't get my credits won on some free tournament while I received messages claiming that I obtained them definitly.

    Thank you

  • kilbraur
    219 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 7:49 PM



    Downslope  -33%  upslope -25%  I not use charts I do this in my head. It work for me you see putting averages on mine profile.

    You're putting isn't great at all according to your stats.

    I not say they were great. I offered my formulae and tell the poster he can look at my statistics to form an opinion. At least I offered something for him to consider. You have offered nothing, Why you not share your method?

  • kilbraur
    219 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 8:08 PM



    Downslope  -33%  upslope -25%  I not use charts I do this in my head. It work for me you see putting averages on mine profile.


    So if it's 10 feet from the pin and 2 inches down, you hit it with the same strength as if it's 14 feet away and 6 inches down?


    My method work well for me, I happy with it. Sometimes if very hard slope it need a bit more or a bit less. I need see it.

    the 6 inch down sound hard i need to see it maybe take a couple feet off.

    I share my method, you a legend why you not help and share yours?