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Mon, Dec 31 2012 6:38 AM (15 replies)
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  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 5:30 AM

    To whom it may concern,

    The owner of Black Label Society has continued to try to make others look bad in attempt to have players change to his club.  Something needs to be done.  I know you're not supposed to call players out on the forum but this is a Country Club forum and it directly affects several of the WGT Country Clubs.... below is just one example of many (check his profile history if you'd like to see many many more!).... you'd think he'd atleast spell disgusting correctly and maybe play a round or two in the last 4 months?  His reason for getting on WGT is to steal players from other clubs and promote his club... personally.. I don't get it.


    29 Dec 2012 at 7:27 PM

    Warning your owner is removing loyal honest players with less credits, to make room for new players with much more credits. Wow that just discusting! He does not deserve to be incharge of anything or anyone. I wouldnt trust him with a goldfish for a pet.

    Join BLACK LABEL SOCIETY you wont be replaced by some one with more credits than you.


    PS.. to set the record straight.  Maxwere is a fantastic player and runs East Coast CC with the highest of integrity.  He has put a ton of time and effort in making the East Coast CC experience a positive and enjoyable experience and is an asset to the WGT community.  I think there are many players in and out of the club that can attest to this.  It is very disappointing that WGT has allowed PatriotsPlaya to continually disgrace his name privately and publicly.



  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 6:08 AM

    Here we go again...Cycle1979...I have all the respect in the world for you and ECCC but this type of thing needs to be kept out of the forums completely.

    This feud between you folks and this person needs to be dealt with privately with wgt. Any player that reads this from that person and is happy with ECCC is going to take it with a grain of salt. Anyone else will leave because they aren't satisfied to begin with. Members are not your private possessions. Each has their own minds and make their own decisions and as such have free will to stay with a club or not and have their own minds as to what to read or delete from their walls. If they choose not to receive anything again then that is what the block feature is for. 

    As you well know this fore mentioned person cannot post in the forums due to that last time you folks feuded it out in the forums derailing another CC owners recruiting thread and the other defammatory threads that were started after that. otherwise we would have another string of your two CC's tasteless posts.

    I am not defending this persons actions but I am saying all you are doing is starting another thread that doesn't need to be here and is totally against posting rules for several reason of which you admittedly know. 

    You do nothing but lower yourself to that persons level with things like this.

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 6:51 AM


    To whom it may concern,

    The owner of Black Label Society has continued to try to make others look bad in attempt to have players change to his club.  Something needs to be done.

    I have the utmost respect for cycle and Max AND the ECCC and I feel for them. It took everything I had not to cause a stir when a member from BLS joined TECC only to come in and see how our club operates and  "tried" to recruit our members to join BLS. These kind of issues SHOULD be resolved through the proper channels at WGT and NOT in PUBLIC, BUT maybe this is what it will take for PATRIOT to stop all this nonsense. Too add, the moderation has gone to hell.

    Just to make clear - I had 2 very respected community members approach me with the facts I just stated.

    Last - to Max and cycle and the entire ECCC, NO WORRIES. Your members know how well Max runs his club and how respected he is throughout the community. In the entire time they (BLS) had a recruiter inside our club, NOT 1 Elite member left the club. No worries Max. You're an outstanding owner as well as a gentleman of the game.

    1,267 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 8:03 AM

    I have to say that you both make some good points

     Oldbyrunner I agree that a member is free to leave at their own will always! But some are misslead into clubs they did not want to join and left clubless after that they dont fill the clubs owners demands!

    What CYCLE1979 is doing is standing up for the players in his club that may be taken into a club only until their credits run out

    It would be nice Oldbayrunner to let this topic go and hide from it if needed ,as are many things are in this game.

    I myself must look at who is right and wrong in this and my favor goes to CYCLE 1979 for trying to help others rather than watching from the sideline.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 8:04 AM

    Editing this post due to a little more research on my part regarding this CC owner and his current actions.

    WGT... Your partially to blame for this because of your meager actions against this very disruptive CC owner and member. No club or owner should have to put up with this crap posted on practically every members walls. Your not only allowing it with this member but another certain families postings as well. Your assistance and action is needed so that this behavior is no longer tolerated and that members do not feel the need to take action such as this in the forums. This by definition is exactly what your terms and conditions say aren't allowed. It is time for you to enforce it on those who grievously don't abide by them.

    I still maintain though the calling out of players in posts & threads is still against the rules and should be refrained or these forums will turn into a war zone.


    1,267 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 8:14 AM

    I agree with you friend .! 

    Warning all club members of this abuse is a start .

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 8:31 AM


    I agree with you friend .! 

    Warning all club members of this abuse is a start .

    +1... It is sad there is a need for it in the first darn place..And if that warning is put forth it should be in the CC forum not the general public one..Maybe it's time WGT gets off their duffs and create clear cut behavior for CC's


    1,141 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 9:43 AM

    LOOK'S LIKE .... to me...

    this .. PP guy is..JUMPING up an DOWN on the"" BAN me"" BAN me button.".. 

    HIT the SWITCH ...WGT   .. ECCC is good peeps.. so are im sure 99% of BLS .. but i don't see how any of them would want to be associated with a leader that acted in such a fashion as this guy .. 

    serious issues... 

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 10:16 AM

    He's on my blocked list. I got fed up with the random CC invite every week

  • chris2345
    528 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 12:39 PM

    I was in PP's club (BLS), but then when how I saw how he was running it I left.

    He doesn't play the game, he just try's to get  high earners in the game to join his club, with no other reason  than so he can stroke his ego in a sad way. 

    I left BLS and joined  ECCC a few months ago and there's a huge difference in the class of owner & the club.

    The owner PP fails to realise what damage he is doing to his club, and their creditably, carrying on the way he does.  


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