Here we go again...Cycle1979...I have all the respect in the world for you and ECCC but this type of thing needs to be kept out of the forums completely.
This feud between you folks and this person needs to be dealt with privately with wgt. Any player that reads this from that person and is happy with ECCC is going to take it with a grain of salt. Anyone else will leave because they aren't satisfied to begin with. Members are not your private possessions. Each has their own minds and make their own decisions and as such have free will to stay with a club or not and have their own minds as to what to read or delete from their walls. If they choose not to receive anything again then that is what the block feature is for.
As you well know this fore mentioned person cannot post in the forums due to that last time you folks feuded it out in the forums derailing another CC owners recruiting thread and the other defammatory threads that were started after that. otherwise we would have another string of your two CC's tasteless posts.
I am not defending this persons actions but I am saying all you are doing is starting another thread that doesn't need to be here and is totally against posting rules for several reason of which you admittedly know.
You do nothing but lower yourself to that persons level with things like this.