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What's going on here?

Sun, Dec 30 2012 10:26 AM (1 replies)
  • Heath021
    378 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 8:54 AM

    Why is it every freakin big tournament I play the meter goes south...and the unexplainable happens. I am getting tired of it WGT!!!  I've been playing long enough to know that something isn't right.  When I play in country club or low credit tournaments the game runs smooth and bad shots are an outcome of my stupidity or miscalculations, not by some wacky shot or screwed up meter.

    I can see every now and then. I can except it, but come on almost everytime I enter a high stake credit tournament the game gets so screwy I can't trust anything I'm doing.

    Had to vent sorry for being a whiner.

    Happy hitting

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 10:26 AM

    Perhaps it depends on the time of day. I experience calm and smooth conditions in the morning and more disturbances in the evening.