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Pro Shop Prices..

Mon, Dec 31 2012 9:23 PM (5 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 4:02 AM

    Need a re-think...

    Just been there thinking, "If I max out my XP dailies I can get R11s driver quicker", BUT 270c for ONE hour !!, I think the prices should be on a sliding scale the more XP's you need the cheaper they get.

    I currently need 114,117 more for next level so was going to buy one a day for 30 days that would be $81.00, for a basic 10,560 points (a drop in the ocean I'm sure you'll agree WGT ?) Now if they were a $1.00 an hour that's $30.00 extra from me you'd have this month.

    I'm not saying higher levels should have preferential treatment, as the prices make sense if you need one or two levels up to around the late 70s early 80s, to get that new iron set or driver that will change your game, they don't make sense if you're just buying 'forgiveness' which at this level is all you can buy as most ppl have the best kit.

    It's a bit like the 25 XP's for buying WGT credits THAT is not going to make you reach for your wallet at any level or the 15 XP's for shelling out $8.00 on a new avatar (I'm sure there are other examples too)

    Offers and bonuses have to include that magic word Incentive, no?


    1,189 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 4:32 AM

    When it comes to either business or politics, I've always liked the saying "If you want to milk the cow, you need to graze the cow". Over the past year I've been a member I don't really see this pattern applied here. It even looks more and more like they just want to light a fire and BBQ the poor beast. This might seem attractive, but doesn't really work well in the long run.

  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 5:29 AM

    Puholino m'friend, this one's for you, lol.

    Doc :)

    1,189 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 9:08 AM

    ROFL Doc! You just made my day!

    5,835 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 7:24 PM

    this one's for you


    But wouldn't the penguins fur smell bad when burnt?

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 9:23 PM

    But wouldn't the penguins fur smell bad when burnt?

    Nope, it smells and tastes like chicken.....yummy!