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When is the right time to upgrade clubs?

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jan 1 2013 12:00 PM (4 replies)
  • TopFlite7
    352 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 8:33 AM


    Need some insight on this question. If you look at my profile you can see what's in my bag.

    Simply put. Does one always look for the better club "formula" or stay with what they have?


  • SeabrookFlash
    463 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 9:21 AM

    I think it depends on what you want out of this game.  If you enjoy playing at the level you are at, there is no need to make changes.  If you want to improve, I have always believed that I need to have the best equipment that I can afford.  I believe it is time for you to put away the rescue club and go to 3 wedges.  All the top players use 3 wedges. I had the TP wedges for a long time and really loved them.  But I tried the Cleveland wedges.  My experience is that I wound up using the Cleveland 64 degree wedge which I love and putting the 60 and 56 degree TP wedges back in my bag.  I didn't like the great degree of spin that the Clevelands have and prefer the control I have with the 2 TP wedges. But that's just me. Many top players swear by the Clevelands and the ATV wedges, which I have never used.  I would upgrade your irons soon but think that you may want to wait until you reach level 79 and can get the rocketbladz.  They have a high trajectory and the 3 iron has a 220 yard range. Personally I love the R-11 irons but realize that you may be a while leveling up to where you can get them or the G-20 irons that are quite popular. A 220 yd 3 iron should eliminate your need for the hybrid club that you now carry. As for the putter.  This game is all about getting close to the pin and about putting.  I have no experience with the putter that you currently have.  I used the level 72 Redwood putter until I got the level 92 Ghost spyder putter that I now have.  I did this before the Nike Method putter and the Max Control putter came out so I don't have any experience with them but I know that a lot of top players use them and really like them. 

    After looking at your stats, I think that your driving percentage is fine but your greens in regulation and sand save and scrambling percentage need some attention.  Irons and wedges should help those areas.  Also You need to address your 3 putt greens. 3 putting almost 20% of the time really hurts your score. Here again the irons and wedges should help you get closer to the pin and you may want to consider a putter, perhaps one with a slower meter.  

    I hope you find some of this helpful.  Let me know if I can be of any further help.

  • forcefan
    279 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 10:29 AM

    I butchered a quote the other day when talking with a friend, but basically it goes like this: "A definition of insanity is to repeat the same action over and over again, expecting a different outcome."

    If you're working at your game yet not scoring (or enjoying the game) as you believe you can, perhaps it's time to change up the equipment?

    Previous poster hit lots of nails on their heads. I'll offer a few thoughts based on my trials & tribulations.

    Gotta hit greens AND get within 15 ft or so consistently to score well, which for me means shooting in the 60's. (I'm not one of those highly-skilled Legends shooting sub-60 rounds, just an average player who is getting better thanks to equipment suited to my game, and a renewed focus.) That means dingable, accurate, high trajectory irons. The K15 irons you use do not meet the criteria from what I can tell.

    I can highly recommend the L59 G20 irons. The meter is not fast. They provide a high trajectory and some holding power. These qualities allow one to target easy pin placements. From what I've seen, plenty of folks use them right up to Legend tier.

    I was working my way to the L83 G20 irons when WGT came out with the L79 RocketBladez irons. I rented them. Their performance was amazing. I decided could handle the faster meter. So far I am pleased with them.

    I refused to listen to the proponents of the 3 wedge system, to my detriment. Yes, said proponents are inevitably top flight (no pun intended) players. But I'm an obstinate guy. Anyway, I finally tried it, acquired three CG16 wedges that fit with my irons yardage-wise. The game I play now is so much better, I cannot believe the difference. In some situations, I almost prefer to miss greens on approach because I have such high confidence in my wedges getting me inside 4 feet for par. I won't ever insist I know what someone else should carry in their bag. Just sharing my experiences here. (PSSSST - 3 wedge system is the way to go, buddy). ;-)

    Which brings me to the final piece of the puzzle - once inside the scoring zone. 

    I love my putter (L44 PING Redwood ZB). Through tons of practice and learning greens, I'm sinking many more 1st putts (ignore my stats, all my rounds - except Uneven Lies - are ranked, so practice rounds of which I mostly play count in my stats, skewing the heck out of them). I don't have the money to purchase equipment, so I can't provide recommendations on the qualities of various putters. 

    If you have the money/credits to upgrade without a worry, then set aside some time and get to renting equipment.

    If you are limited monetarily as I am, search the forum (is the search function up and working?). Also, when I play Alt-Shot, I ask players their opinions on equipment. Some folks are happy to share their experiences. You might do the same.

    Good luck to you!

  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 10:56 AM

    Great question and one I asked myself early on as I am a cheap *** lol. What worked for me was looking at the set of clubs and when I would buy them.

    I purchased the Raptors , then the PIng G-10's, (Now the G-20 line at level 58-60), I stuck with the G-10's untill I could buy the R-11 set and made that my goal three sets and bought some wedges.

    I also bought 3 putters in total, the level 19 spider, the Level 3x Ghost, then the Level 92 Ghost when I got there.

    So I hope this gives you ideas, now on to what your equipments are currently, you all set Great driver, if anything you may wish to consider a HIgher Set of irons would be your best bet as that would give you the most improvement. You could stick it out with a new iron set and your driver for quite awhile.

    Good Luck and Happy New Year!,


  • TopFlite7
    352 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 12:00 PM

    "A definition of insanity is to repeat the same action over and over again, expecting a different outcome."

    That's a quote from Einstein, as in Albert. (I like the guy's thinking also, too)

    All of you have basically told me to upgrade my irons and add another wedge.

    Any direction on a moderate swing speed iron set?

    When I reached a level plateau target, I bought the complete Ping K15 set to better my game. 

    Looks like it's time again.