here is another option that i don't think was ever mentionned :
---> as a CC owner , the ability to have a member on your list of friends BUT with the option to keep them from writting to you private messages
I mention this because many times , i receive a friend invite from a new member. And i don't want to be rude so i often accept. But since i don't know them , i know i always take a chance of getting a weird one that will write crazy stuff in my inbox. And it has happened !
I know that someone may suggest to me to wait a bit and get to know them first but some people out there are very sneeky
So i just wish i could have all the members of my CC on my list of friends so that it would be easier to get games going but be able to keep them from my inbox
btw , does anyone at WGT see all those suggestions here ?
and if they do , why don't i see a reply ?