Think of the uneven lie dots as being similar to the wind. The faster they move, the harder the "wind" is blowing.
In the case of the real wind, you know the speed, so you can adjust your aim accordingly. In the case of the uneven lie dots...you need to quantify their speed to be able to adjust. For side-to-side movement, I simply count how long it takes the dot to move from one side of the uneven lie square to the other, and then adjust my aim based on that.
For instance, a dot that takes 10 seconds to move from one side of the square to the other...will move a 150-yard shot about 40 feet sideways (roughly the same distance as a 20mph side-wind will move that shot). For clarification, that's the single square around your ball....not the double square around your avatar.
And if nothing else? Uneven lies gives you lots of practice with 20 and 30 foot putts!
Hope this helps...and I hope we have a new convert. :-)