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Ran out of Slow Meter Balls in the middle...

Fri, Jan 4 2013 9:28 AM (6 replies)
  • EValP
    8 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 3:18 PM

    ...of a tournament paid to be in and now I have to play the remainder with the default WGT ball and it has completely messed up my game/score.

    I am a bit miffed that there is no way to select my new balls I paid for and have but cannot seem to use while in this tournament. Now I am out the credits I paid for the tournament being as my score I will post will not be any good for getting a payout.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 9:03 PM

    WGT uses the one ball rule. Unless you have others in your bag that are identical to the one you are using then it reverts to the starter balls. You are given reminders that you are using the last ball of it's type. 

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 10:14 PM

    On the first tee ( or as soon as you're down to 1 ball ) there's a fairly hard to miss pop up that tells you " THIS IS YOUR LAST BALL... DO YOU WANT TO BUY MORE?"

     You've been here since 2009... this can't be the first time you've ever seen or heard of this. The fault only lies in one place here.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 11:50 PM

    Jeff is right, we all know the way this works and WGT takes every opportunity to invite you to buy new balls on the first tee.  If you had lost the one you had then your score wasn't that good.

    I try to make sure I'm with at least 3 of my favorites, only time I have the issue of running out is when I'm trying to use up a type of ball.

  • EValP
    8 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 1:04 PM

    Well thats the point, I was using up a set of balls I don't usually use. I had more balls in my inventory but I wasn't planning on purchasing any more of these balls.

    Of course I saw the warning about it being my last ball of ths type, I just didn't want to buy any more. I had spent money on other balls but couldn't use them.

    Seems silly I have to be afraid of using up my last ball of one type during a round just in case it gets taken out of play.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 4:17 PM


    Well thats the point, I was using up a set of balls I don't usually use. I had more balls in my inventory but I wasn't planning on purchasing any more of these balls.

    Of course I saw the warning about it being my last ball of ths type, I just didn't want to buy any more. I had spent money on other balls but couldn't use them.

    Seems silly I have to be afraid of using up my last ball of one type during a round just in case it gets taken out of play.


    It's in the Rules of Golf. One ball type must be used for all the holes in a round or the player must forfeit if they run out or loose all of them. Here we get to continue a round with the starter ball.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 9:28 AM

    Actually that isn't in the rules of golf, but rather a general rule on the PGA tour.  The rules of golf state that you must finish each hole with the same ball.  You are not allowed to borrow balls from a competitor during play.  I believe that the true USGA rule is one that would required you to replace a ball in play with the same ball during the hole.  For example if you damage a ball off the tee, you could only replace it with the same ball (brand and type) when you drop.  However after putting out you can replace it with any brand and type.