If you have any of the hot pink avatars go to the pro shop and pick up a sleeve of your favorite balls in pink.. The color matches the avatars outfit perfectly.. I use the hot pick avatar with pink balls all the time.. Now don't go getting the wrong idea.. It's not because I'm from San Francisco.. It just looks great.. I'm WGT Tour Pro Scott2mee with your WGT Tip of the week.. Thank you and see you on the links..
Scott2mee:Thank you and see you on the links..
Not if you're stll wearing pink LoL
Bring on the pink Nikes.
You should be thankful that you don't have blue balls.
mnshiner: You should be thankful that you don't have blue balls.
I think a poodle to tie to the new golf bags would be the icing on the cake to go with the pink balls ,,you could dye it
the pink bags match it all too. You could have the complete ensemble.
The whole poodle thing sounds like animal abuse.. And I never did see the point of virtual golf bags.. However in the real world a black golf bag with trim pink would be tight.. You guys may have got the wrong idea here.. I'm a man and if your a man and you don't like pink.. LOL !! Never mind..
Buy me a pink bag ( cheap ), and I'll buy myself a pink avatar ( expensive ) to match
Maybe Preistess will give me a game then.
oneeyedjohn:Maybe Preistess will give me a game then.
Might be in for a wait....