Whether 3 or 5 months doesn't matter. It still too long as the amount of 'collateral damages' keeps getting higher and higher by the day. Those damages include innocent, non-sandbagging, players getting promoted to new tiers before they have enough XPs to purchase equipment necessary to play from longer tees. You've also stolen some of the "fun" attained by players when they used to have to climb the mountain, so to speak, to get to Legend. You've also made it more difficult for current Legends to get opponents in regular Match Play competition vs TMs and Masters.
Hardly a minimal impact to our community as promised below in October.
Like I said, I completely agree with Mio, I just corrected his number. IMO it makes it even worse, that it only took 3 months to do this much damage. As you can see from your link and from this veeeery long thread (now burried on page 9 in the Beta section)
I was one of many who were zealously attacking the new system, pointing out it's many flaws and trying to explain to Pizza what's really going on. He was constantly saying the system is set up to recognize skill (he claimed that was the info he received and I still choose to believe that). Infact, it took over 2 weeks to even get an admition that MP wins lower one's avg. And in the end my CC owner and I had to do an experiment to finally prove to the "authorities" that there was no skill recognition involved with the system and that it only counted wins (I had to make my 69 avg master buddy a TM by forfeiting 5 or 6 MPs without taking 1 single shot to finally prove it).
They said they changed it in their last update so forfeited wins don't drop your avg anymore, but I never tested it yet, so... But the system still appears to only count wins, not the win/loss ratio, so if you are a very mediocre TM and you win, let's say 10 matches against legends, but you lose 100 of them in the process, you WILL be tiered up, which makes no sense. Especially with the fact, that a lot of current legends are former mediocre TMs and of course they WILL lose to the player with similar mediocre skills, if he's playing from shorter tees. That don't make him a legend though.
I believe 99% of players would agree that only credit MPs should be taken into the equasion. But here's the thing. I still think their current game setup (don't really know the correct term) is unable to differentiate between the free and the challenge MPs (that's why they're all mixed in the same stat column) and it would simply take "too much work" for them to change that, so free MP players get screwed in the process. I find this to be sooooo wrong. However, this is only my assumption and was never really clearly answered in 3 months since I asked it for the first time.
Edit: P.S.: If this system remains unchanged, I see 2 possible outcomes. We'll either have an enormous ammount of legends without enough skill and equipment to handle playing from tips (inept legends will spawn even more inept ones by losing MPs from tees they shouldn't have been on yet), or even less MPs than there are available now.
Meanwhile, people who this system was designed to catch, can still freely beat up on unsuspecting players from their own and lower tiers and they can still beat legends in skins challenges with ZERO repercussions.