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Dragged up.

Mon, Jan 7 2013 8:57 PM (10 replies)
  • Lyrac
    177 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 3:59 PM

     Ducati916: dragging this up again

    I guess the question to WGT would you think the current set up is locked in place, or, are you still watching and plan further modifications to it.

    Nothing is set in stone. This thread is now locked, feel free to "drag this up" again in a new thread.


    Stay classy,



    Yeah, locking down a legit thread with so so many cheated legit players making their points and expressing their concerns about a system they see as flawed, that's REAL classy that is. Still, nothing short of what we have come to expect of late.

    So. IS anything being done perpy mr pizza, or is the whole subject locked down and we just have to up put with it?

    Feel free to lock this one down too if you don't wish to not prove my point.


  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 4:05 PM


    Yeah, locking down a legit thread with so so many cheated legit players making their points and expressing their concerns about a system they see as flawed, that's REAL classy that is. Still, nothing short of what we have come to expect of late.

    So. IS anything being done perpy mr pizza, or is the whole subject locked down and we just have to up put with it?

    Feel free to lock this one down too if you don't wish to not prove my point.

    Boy, someone has a bee in their bonnet!

    Hello Lyrac, thanks for continuing the thread in order to keep things clear. Not sure why "locking down a legit thread" would be a bad thing, you're welcome to review the thread at length, and you were invited to start a new thread with the same subject.

    When moderators lock a thread, it can be because it breaks a forum guideline, or to help compensate for the incomprehensive technology available to us, or for no reason at all. The reason for that thread being locked is to keep communication clear.

    To answer the question you are posing in this thread: "Is anything being done perpy mr pizza, or is the whole subject locked down and we just have to put up with it?"

    The answer I have already given to the person who asked the question in the previous thread: Nothing is set in stone. We are constantly reviewing all of our products and features and making changes. I am not locking threads to stop communication. I'm sorry if you feel that way, please accept my invitation to continue this conversation as you see fit.

    For anyone who wants to catch up on the thread and continue a conversation about it, here is a direct link


    Stay classy,


  • Lyrac
    177 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 4:26 PM

    boy someone has a bee in their bonnet?

    Are you serious? is this the way they show you to communicate with your customers?

    I don't think I'm a stranger to that particular locked down thread and i don't think you think that either but yet you consistently and stubbornly persist in pretending to not understand the wealth and volume of feeling expressed by the customers who validate their points with their whole hearts and sensible sounding (because i dont either know how you could impliment them) ideas on how to achieve a better system.

    I dont got an answer myself because thats not what i do, I just verify property boundaries for a living, but I still do remember the love i had for this game, and remember how proud i felt as i slowly knocked teeny bits off my average towards what i saw as my pinnacle in this game- making legend how ever body else had to. You took that pride away and gave me some scuzzy  2nd rate legend status that i hadn't yet earned and i think thats what you dont get in any way, shape or form-the fact that I now can only play tiers below me by agreement that i win, because friends and strangers alike dont want to be tipped up into the next tier.

    I hope you feel good about that because i sure don't. when they made you, didn't no one think about putting in a heart to your breast?

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 4:37 PM


    boy someone has a bee in their bonnet?

    Are you serious? is this the way they show you to communicate with your customers?

    Absolutely not. This is how I communicate to the community I belong to. You should know by now I am not a cashier at a register. I have opinions, and you will hear about them. I apologize if you were offended by my "bee bonnet" comment, however your sarcastic comments about "Class" was not very appropriate, either. Let's both be nicer to each other, how about it? :)

    You took that pride away

    Lyrac, there is something very important you should take from this thread - I AM NOT WGT. I am a guy who facilitates communication between the company and it's community.

    In this thread, you have a lot of questions aimed directly at me. If you would like to discuss what you have typed here, feel free to accept my friend request and we can chat :)

    I will not have a 2 person conversation in a public forum, out of respect for the thousands of other players reading them, and to make sure people are getting the information they need when they come to the forums looking to learn about the subject this thread was originally about. I look forward to talking with you :)


    Stay classy,



  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 5:46 PM

    Hmnn, based on MP Stats, ranked rounds posted, etc...I'd say the system seems to be working.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 6:53 PM


    Hmnn, based on MP Stats, ranked rounds posted, etc...I'd say the system seems to be working.

    I'm thinking the same.

  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 7:03 PM



    Hmnn, based on MP Stats, ranked rounds posted, etc...I'd say the system seems to be working.


    I'm thinking the same.

    Sorry for offending anyone....I played a ton of MP back in the day, then moved to Alt shot...feel free to check my profile and see that I've probably played all of 15 match plays in the last 5 months maybe....Also, I don't recall complaning..I was just asking where they were with the evaluation..but, I'll be certain to ask you what you think before I post next time....because.....that's important to know?

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 7:10 PM

    I'll be certain to ask you what you think before I post next time....because.....that's important to know?


    Sweet of you...but you were not quoted in my (or C's) reply.



  • Lyrac
    177 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 7:17 PM

    ok, so I only think about my own progress, i try and try (well i did before the heart was ripped from the game) and i dont excatly know how to probe other people s statistics as you seem to do previous poster but if i have it right, you can add all them mp games, and theres not that many to the ranked rounds and then all the a shot jobs and the many failed  ones not completed as well, if what your inferring is that i am somehow ripping people off. now as i understand it, and its not my strong point point, the point of sandbagging is to take credits from others by any means while at the same time keeping an average that wont move you back a tee or so. where in my stuff do you can tell ive been at that game?

    if its any intrest to you, once i hit tor pro, i seemed to race through it, same at master and there i was gone before id even knew it, which had me thinking even with the orignal system woo! I didnt am getting chance to even learn anything here. so i put my thinking cap on and took tour master slow because all the scare stories, which are not really true about legend, had me biting nails about if i could do that long stuff.

    I was to 61.8 and actualy looking forward to them last points with the challenge to do it in a year, which is a lot longer than some whizz kids who could stand a bit of looking at and thats when bamm i beat a legend and all my dreams was shattered in shards of making it the way people before me did, people probably like you if your a legend and i guess you are with all them posts under your belt. along the way i earnt $40 or nearby, not exactly a fortune compared to leaders earnings shown on first page is it?

    they say know your enemy before doing battle, and if you wish to say unkind words about me, how about havin the manliness to ask me and whoever is my friends befoire jumping in with no real purpose but to big up yourself, and i say that with no offence because your probably a decent person if a little previous to smack up someone heartbroken by foul play as i see it for myself.

    take it as you will, maybe i took your post bad and i can accept that if so, but if it IS what i saw it as, then im sorry for you too because looks like you jumped before looking over the wall and theres enough of that in these forums with people picking on people they dont know, a bit like i do with Wgt Pizza because i thought he had some blame stuck to him, and turns out he may not after all, which i guess i will know once we talked and got to know each other better.

     i was off the gun too, so theres hope for you yet if you dont mind my saying without you getting all spooked and desprate to scope in on me again

  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 7:25 PM


    I'll be certain to ask you what you think before I post next time....because.....that's important to know?


    Sweet of you...but you were not quoted in my (or C's) reply.



    I understood that the MP record, rounds played and the comment about the system working...were directed at me and my post which got the other thread locked?  Is that not the case....if not...then my apologies...If so, then I said....