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Make it even Unlimited Callaway golf ball for all

Sat, Jan 5 2013 9:34 AM (5 replies)
  • Geahry1
    525 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 4:46 PM

    Peep this I think we all should be able to have a good ball.So why not eveyone from hack to tour legend have a Callaway Golf ball Unlimited and drop the pro shop ball for sale.I think we deserve to have a good ball unlimited.For all the money WGT makes have some mercy and give us all a ball that is good.I am on disability my funds are low.I have spent money for equpment but the balls they take from you.Tell me what you think.God Bless

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 5:05 PM

    Don't think there will be much support for the idea ? (mind you, if they were free you never know)

    Sympathize with the $$ situation but trading down to a lower spec ball, even if thx

    Still waiting for the new extra spin Max WGT...any plans ? (just one more dot would be perfect)  :>))

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 8:29 PM

    Why on earth would WGT cut off the hand that feeds them? Get serious, WGT is a business so why would they offer a free quality ball that people currently purchase? The only way this would happen if WGT offered a ball as you sugest for a very high price (and how many could afford it is questionable) and probably limited numbers - a good way to raise revenue in the short term.

    I do understand your situation and many players are in a similar situation as the balls are expensive and as as a result probably do not play as much as they would if the balls were cheaper. But again I cannot see WGT reducing the price unless the demand slumped,

    Thats just my opinion based on business principles

  • jeffc46221
    621 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 9:02 PM

    This would absolutely never happen. I do personally understand your money issue but golf balls are what does feed this company. Would be nice but not very reasonable. 

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Jan 5 2013 6:21 AM

    Still waiting for the new extra spin Max WGT...any plans ? (just one more dot would be perfect)

    Further thought to this----Had a CC comp that to all intents I'd already won, so equipped 1 of the many Nikes in my locker and MY GOD !!, the stopping power of them is light years ahead of Max.(better meter speed on Nike putter too)

    OK, meters a bit faster but I used Cally's with the 'Burners' well into Legend so I'm sure I'd get used to it pretty quick...Will be saving $12 a week for the foreseeable as I use up the stockpile. (Would be more but I'll still need a couple of sleeves a week for 'special occasions) :)

    Who knows, if I dial in the only slight diff yardages quick, the Max may be a thing of the past ?


  • pastlife63
    55 Posts
    Sat, Jan 5 2013 9:34 AM

    Although I don't like it too much  I accept that of course WGT is a business, I'm  not a game player but i do enjoy playing this golf game, I've spent a fair bit on clubs, i don't drink or smoke so it's kind of like my little extravagance so anyway back to the point, I use Callaway at 250 credits, those are good enough for me, i'm not trying to get to be brilliant, i'm around average i'd say and happy with that, one thing I think WGT could do is make the individual ball last a bit longer put it up to  3 or 3.5 dots, genuinely I do think the time they last is quite a lot too short.