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A friendly but serious warning

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Mon, Jan 7 2013 9:15 AM (15 replies)
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  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 3:14 PM

    to those unfortunate enough to play a certain cretin here with the saddest heart wrenching sob story about his Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia cancer, the number of hospitals he been in, the number of surgery's, the many bouts of Chemotherapy, the weight loss, hair loss etc. but when he 'loses' his last ball in the water and quietly moans about his very last ball and no money, be smarter than me and don't gift him. 

    Watch out though. He's very smooth. Visits, gets to know you during the game and around the 7th hole it starts seeping out, a little at a time.

    Even though his name is on my wall postings, it's just to bad I can't name him here.

    Perhaps I'm wrong in which case I'll prostate myself before him and beg for forgiveness but I don't think that is a serious worry.

    Four days later. I'm convinced.  I have no qualms about posting this now.

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 4:03 PM

    Some Members used all sorts of story,  the moment  a member i dont know, start to say things like ( would you give)  to make a story short . I  dont go for it .   If a member i know for a long time ,in my CC or on WGT community,one day tell me is  problems (Physical or $$$ prob)               friend to friend and never ask for anything that is where i will gift  or be incline to give ..           

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 4:13 PM

    Because i know how you may feel ,being used i guess ......  i will tell you this naming names  on the forum  for this sort of thing  is not   permited.  Saying look on my wall he is there  is the same thing .            Friend turn the page, learn from this  experience ,and have fun playing ........  Most of us know the warning sign for this kind of thing....... All my respect sir ,,,, and excuse my english writing  :)  Francois (Frapp)       

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 4:27 PM


    Because i know how you may feel ,being used i guess ......  i will tell you this naming names  on the forum  for this sort of thing  is not   permited.  Saying look on my wall he is there  is the same thing .            Friend turn the page, learn from this  experience ,and have fun playing ........  Most of us know the warning sign for this kind of thing....... All my respect sir ,,,, and excuse my english writing  :)  Francois (Frapp)       

    As far as I read OP, he did not name anyone. He did mention he couldn't. So there is no reason to get on him for something he did not do in first place. Sorry OP for what happen, but normal people usually can tell a gimmick right off. Not saying your not normal by saying that. Just saying, sorry you fell into that trap.

    He said "even though name is on his wall", does not mean it is on the forum at all. Not the same thing. His wall is not the forum. Never heard that names can't be mention on walls. I see names mention on lots of peoples walls and nothing done.

  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 4:48 PM

    Do some research, join a CC, get to know the players there and have fun. It is sad that there are those on WGT that would pull something like this,. Yet, we are a reflection of humanity around the world so guess it's to be expected sooner or later. It's still wrong who ever you are.

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 5:51 PM

    To the OP, don't worry happens every day on the TV as well when Organizations spend 97% of raised funds on administration and fund raising they are duping the public as a whole as well.

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 8:28 PM

      Oups ,if i miss understood  some WGT guide line,like you i just wanted to help . So i will be more carefull in my joining a post . TY

  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 8:40 PM



    Because i know how you may feel ,being used i guess ......  i will tell you this naming names  on the forum  for this sort of thing  is not   permited.  Saying look on my wall he is there  is the same thing .            Friend turn the page, learn from this  experience ,and have fun playing ........  Most of us know the warning sign for this kind of thing....... All my respect sir ,,,, and excuse my english writing  :)  Francois (Frapp)       

    As far as I read OP, he did not name anyone. He did mention he couldn't. So there is no reason to get on him for something he did not do in first place. Sorry OP for what happen, but normal people usually can tell a gimmick right off. Not saying your not normal by saying that. Just saying, sorry you fell into that trap.

    He said "even though name is on his wall", does not mean it is on the forum at all. Not the same thing. His wall is not the forum. Never heard that names can't be mention on walls. I see names mention on lots of peoples walls and nothing done.

    Frappe wasn't "getting on" anyone, but offered sound advice as been seen in the forums before.

  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 10:59 PM

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to read and comment on this.

    I know that anything frappefort said was sincere and well thought out.  And he is 100% correct in his subtle chastising for me bending the rules to show this name.

    I wanted some revenge and hoped some embarrassment would fall upon this cretins head. No one likes to be taken as a fool and I wasn't pleased to be shanghaied as I was. But I'm telling you, he had myself and another player nearly bawling at times.

    More than anything it undermines my faith in people. Being raised to respect and believe in people has kicked my butt many times and I'm sure there's more waiting but I know I'm conditioned to trust others at their word so I'll keep making mistakes. 

    No, I don't know frappefort at all except in these forums. You are always welcome to comment on any of my posts 'frappefort'. I may not like it or agree but you are welcome to say your piece.

    I want to tell Games4Eve71  thanks very much for your defense. Your words are entirely correct but I do know I purposely circumvented the intent of the rules and I can admit that. 

    Less anyone think's I'm going totally passive, think again. I don't agree with much of what goes on here, even as I admit it is slowly getting better, and I haven't been shy with discussing it and I don't see that changing at all.

    TracyMax makes very good points and I urge everyone who isn't involved in a CC to do so. My CC just recently helped me pull through an extended rough time with support and encouragement which helped me more than they can know.  

    That being said, it's not at all simple to be able to play only friends or CC members when people work different hours, live all around the world and are so busy just trying to survive that finding time for a quick 9 sometimes doesn't happen. 

    My last thought concerns one who rarely see's eye to eye with me nor I with him but as I was pleased to have someone defend my position, he did the same thing for what he thought was right.  

    Hard to argue or disagree when the ones willing to back you up and defend you are sincere and willing to prove it.

    I'll remove the name from my wall but not just yet. No revenge now but time for others to make a note.




  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 11:10 PM


    To the OP, don't worry happens every day on the TV as well when Organizations spend 97% of raised funds on administration and fund raising they are duping the public as a whole as well.

    We all realize you are right in what you say Steve and it makes me wonder if it might be somewhat better if more would show they disapprove, show they are disappointed, then stand up and demand it stop. 


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