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A friendly but serious warning

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Mon, Jan 7 2013 9:15 AM (15 replies)
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  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 11:14 PM

    I know that anything frappefort said was sincere and well thought out.  And he is 100% correct in his subtle chastising for me bending the rules to show this name.


    He did not chastise you at all, but offered very good advice.


    FWIW...I feel for were"taken" one who "purchased" the same balls you sent ...ya...he can't afford it.


    This is what makes typing ()like Frappe) does, and not getting the gist of what folks are saying...I had a similar issue occur a few days ago here, we played a game...and dang, the player will for sure be  a good friend of mine on WGT.


    Suggest, when ya "hot under the collar" and re read the replies..:)


    And yes, I agree with were taken...sorry my man.





  • pjctas0822
    4,615 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 11:32 PM

    He said "even though name is on his wall", does not mean it is on the forum at all. Not the same thing. His wall is not the forum. Never heard that names can't be mention on walls. I see names mention on lots of peoples walls and nothing done

    From experience WGT will hold wall posts against you as well , especially when someone snitches and cries about it and points it out to the MODS on here. They are quick to act without warrant sometimes as it really should not be a big deal but they seem to think it is for whatever reason.

    I wont even mention my own name in here anymore in fear of losing my account for no reason. Peace.

  • TonyTurbo78
    340 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 12:46 AM


    To the OP, don't worry happens every day on the TV as well when Organizations spend 97% of raised funds on administration and fund raising they are duping the public as a whole as well.

    It's called offshore tax free banking ;)

  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 3:18 AM


    I know that anything frappefort said was sincere and well thought out.  And he is 100% correct in his subtle chastising for me bending the rules to show this name.


    He did not chastise you at all, but offered very good advice.


    FWIW...I feel for were"taken" one who "purchased" the same balls you sent ...ya...he can't afford it.


    This is what makes typing ()like Frappe) does, and not getting the gist of what folks are saying...I had a similar issue occur a few days ago here, we played a game...and dang, the player will for sure be  a good friend of mine on WGT.


    Suggest, when ya "hot under the collar" and re read the replies..:)


    And yes, I agree with were taken...sorry my man.


    I 'm sure you are fully aware MB, that several things you said are not only grossly incorrect but also make's the assumption you have the ability to read minds and determine another person's thought process and disposition.

    Although you make silence very difficult, I'm not going to expound on this, no need to since we both know what your attempting but not now, not this time. 

    I posted this for two reasons, the first being to expose and, if possible, embarrass him and the second just a simple warning for others to be aware.

    That's all. Nothing more. 


  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 9:06 AM


    Thanks to everyone who took the time to read and comment on this.

    I know that anything frappefort said was sincere and well thought out.  And he is 100% correct in his subtle chastising for me bending the rules to show this name.

    I wanted some revenge and hoped some embarrassment would fall upon this cretins head. No one likes to be taken as a fool and I wasn't pleased to be shanghaied as I was. But I'm telling you, he had myself and another player nearly bawling at times.

    More than anything it undermines my faith in people. Being raised to respect and believe in people has kicked my butt many times and I'm sure there's more waiting but I know I'm conditioned to trust others at their word so I'll keep making mistakes. 

    No, I don't know frappefort at all except in these forums. You are always welcome to comment on any of my posts 'frappefort'. I may not like it or agree but you are welcome to say your piece.

    I want to tell Games4Eve71  thanks very much for your defense. Your words are entirely correct but I do know I purposely circumvented the intent of the rules and I can admit that. 

    Less anyone think's I'm going totally passive, think again. I don't agree with much of what goes on here, even as I admit it is slowly getting better, and I haven't been shy with discussing it and I don't see that changing at all.

    TracyMax makes very good points and I urge everyone who isn't involved in a CC to do so. My CC just recently helped me pull through an extended rough time with support and encouragement which helped me more than they can know.  

    That being said, it's not at all simple to be able to play only friends or CC members when people work different hours, live all around the world and are so busy just trying to survive that finding time for a quick 9 sometimes doesn't happen. 

    My last thought concerns one who rarely see's eye to eye with me nor I with him but as I was pleased to have someone defend my position, he did the same thing for what he thought was right.  

    Hard to argue or disagree when the ones willing to back you up and defend you are sincere and willing to prove it.

    I'll remove the name from my wall but not just yet. No revenge now but time for others to make a note.




    Hello,Rzbk  TY for your post ,my intention,was not to point a finger at you .  I felt bad about your strory,and knowing how it affected you ( with good reason) i just did not want you to get in trouble with WGT on top of it . I see many members, like you ,  and like me , so we win  and get some respect .           I am  open to become  friend   we can play this great game .  Again , i am not the best communicater   i myself should read and reread  my intervention ,and try to better myself in communicating in English ,its like golf ,writing english , i learn from my misstake :)  Hope all involved with this thread turn the page, and i learned something from it .  Good Day all ,and Happy New year  all  .Frapp      

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 9:15 AM

    Closing it. 

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