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Wed, Jan 9 2013 5:38 AM (10 replies)
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  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 12:35 PM

    Really. Read this. lmao.

    Busy playing a round of stroke play on RSG. This is how it went up to hole 5:

    First 3 holes I shoot birdies. You must know I'm not some mega experienced legend or something; shooting 3 birdies on the first 3 holes is not something I do every day. No, I might be fast learning but still I'm only a simple lvl 79 master with a 67 avg. Just have my new Rocketbladez Irons and cleveland wedges for a day or two and certainly still getting used to 'm. Shooting these 3 birdies was not without any luck, for on all three holes there was at least 1 shot where I was way late or early on clicking. The result however was not too bad on all occasions, resulting in those 3 birdies puts. 1 of those 3 putts I was a reasonable amount "off-click" again, but somehow it still managed to go in :). Hole 4 and 5 I play par, again not without luck.

    Now, standing at the tee of on the 6th hole (158yrd), I tell you. I give myself a kick under the butt, think hey... let's make this round count, gather all my concentration, make the calculations (twice, to be sure).... relax my body.... mind..... take a deep breath while pulling back my whatever number iron... and on breathing out I release and click on the exact spot where I intend to...... "F*^%in brilliant, surely within 5 yard"....I think to myself, while I watch the ball... take off to the left and end up 14 yard left passed of the hole in 30/40 % rough....... COMMON WGT.....

    I'm rather sure it was not me who shot those three birdies, as I'm rather sure it was not me missing the tee shot on 6th like that. Is it really becoming like shooting craps for real, or is it just some testing that's going. I really want to know if this whatever it is that is going on lately (wgt will know) is the way for the future with this game or will this ERROR be corrected SOON. I guess I'm not the only one who wants to know that, and yes, I know and fully understand this game is still a work in progress. Some comment like "We have spotted the bug. It will be corrected in a new release by the end of January" or something like that would be greately appreciated by me (and again, I guess, a substantial part of the community)


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 12:44 PM

    But it's OK that missing the ding by a lot still got you a birdie? Pitch back on, save the par and go birdie 7. Heh, maybe the pitch drops with the way things were going.  :-)

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 12:52 PM

    But it's OK that missing the ding by a lot still got you a birdie?

    No, for sure not. I'd rather get punished for bad shots and rewarded for good shots. Thought I was rather clear about that.


  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 12:58 PM

    What's the moral of the story?  WGT decided to mess up your perfectly calculated shot?  Ever think that you may have miscalculated something?  If your imperfect shots are turning out to become good shots and your perfect shots are missing..... you got the point.

    You may be starting to get a case of blame WGT syndrome.... drink a beer and relax for a bit... you should be fine.  Otherwise, consult your physician.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 1:01 PM

    'Par for the course'....or not.

    'Gotta take the rough with the smooth'...Definitely.

    Must be more 'sayings' that apply but you get the drift.. :-))


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 1:02 PM

    WGT is certainly not common. I wouldn't have joined.

    If you mean come on wgt, say that     :o)

    My advice to all players filled with righteous indignation -

    Suck it up, start again and wreak vengeance on the

    course that caused your ire.

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 1:06 PM

    Don't get me wrong. I'm having a good laugh and for sure I am relaxed. I know my calculations and I know what I've seen happening. I admit I don't fully know my new equipment yet, but I know it enough to discard that as the cause of this perfect shot ending up in Timbuktu.


  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 1:08 PM


    WGT is certainly not common. I wouldn't have joined.

    If you mean come on wgt, say that     :o)

    Oops, a case of not native English :), pardon me.......



  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 2:01 PM



    WGT is certainly not common. I wouldn't have joined.

    If you mean come on wgt, say that     :o)

    Oops, a case of not native English :), pardon me.......



    Just a wee joke mate, no offence meant.

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Wed, Jan 9 2013 12:07 AM

    Just a wee joke mate, no offence meant.

    Surely no offense taken. And no offence (whatever kind of gate that could be :)) as well.


    Still laughing about what I've seen happen yesterday. I really should have taken a screenshot of my avatar, standing somewhere past the bunker left of the green, some 5 yards further than the hole, 14 yards left of the hole, and not to forget elevated by 4 or 5 foot.

    Impossible if you ask me to hold that rescue shot near the hole. At least I didn't, so I lost a stroke on that one, completed the front 9 with -2 and quickly saved the game to finish it later today. Hoping VEM got tired from this performance and went back in his cage again.


    Edit: VEM (or whatever what) won't mess up this round any further. I did it myself by not finishing it last night. No score and worse, no 400 xp points. It was a round in a multi-round cc tournament, and now the next round is on.....pfft. Would have loved to finish especially that round, just to see if there would be some more strange things going on or not. On to the next one.

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