I am not sure if this has been mentioned and don't see it so i will suggest that we look at having an actual year long tour that players can play in rather than weekly tournaments.
Would be kind of neat to have a 2,3 or 4 rd event that had weekly winners but also had a point system that carried forward in to a year long event. Might draw a fair amount of interest for the more serious WGTers.
Add some statistics for the event so guys have something to try to improve upon or measure themselves against others.
At the end there can be maybe a champions invitational or something for big stakes.
Competitive players seem to be getting bored with the game a bit and i think something like this would give them something to maybe get excited about and look forward to every week rather than the usual weekly tournaments we see.
Maybe open up a suggestion forum on who would be interested and what things could be added to spark some interest.