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Free Credits???

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 10 2013 1:33 AM (0 replies)
  • normanave
    149 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 1:33 AM

    WGT what is the possability of letting guys like us get credits on an equal basis as the guys in the USA and some European Country's?  I am from South Africa and the only credits i can get is the seven commercials and the occational 1 credit video's. I have been playing for a while now and could only till now save up to get one of the cheaper putters and a sleeve of 10cr balls. As i am living in a country that the exchange rate is 9 to 1 to the $ there is no way i can buy credits. I dont beg from no one but buy the time i will be able to by a set of clubs driver ect i will be to old to swing it. Please WTG make a plan with the credits to plase us in poor countrys on an nearly level footing with other players in the game.