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uneven lies

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Thu, Jan 10 2013 6:19 PM (1 replies)
  • terbal
    286 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 5:56 PM


    i like playing the uneven lies because its fun but it is a bit of a joke. much like an arcade game. i hope now they have started tourneys on them they dont think they have finished tweaking it. please turn all the dials down by at least 50% to make it as real golf. aiming 60 - 70 yards left or right of your target is just not right. you can have a similar slope and angle on a different hole and it is totally different result. you can be 120 out from the pin and have a slight uphill lie and a 165 club comes up short just plain silly.

  • gotallofthatone
    8 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 6:19 PM

    I would have to agree Terbal, I play it all the time in the wgtls pga 9 as one of the required rounds. The 1st edition of the uneven lies was completely far fetched then wgt tweaked it and it was a little better, but it seems to play different on the various courses. Just to figure out how much to play a side hill lie of 15-20% grade I hit the ball at the pin with a ding and the ball flew O.B.. If your telling me that I have to aim O.B. about 70 yards to make the green from 120 yards out with that type of lie there is something seriously wrong!

    In the real game of golf you might make a ball aim adjustment of a couple of pins not a 45-90 degree turn in the opposing direction. Some more tweaking and consistency is needed to iron out the problems with this mode of play.