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Big fish - small pond

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jan 11 2013 4:45 AM (1 replies)
  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 1:32 AM

    I think that is my situation. I am now in a 'small CC' which is very enjoyable.

    I have been through probably 6 or more CC's and have left each one for very good reasons. Some of them were very big with 250 members, but that still didn't make the experience any more enjoyable.

    What I would like to see is the expansion of CC owners powers to control how their tournaments are run, and for WGT to be kept out of it totally. Why should they take a rake from an inner CC tournament, crackers.

    I am never going to aspire to having many 1000's of credits, I have less than 10,000 currently but am happy to sponsor a monthly CC "best of" prize thingie for my fellow members.

    All i want is to have enough to buy balls without quivering and whenever I can help lesser skilled or privileged players, then I will in any way I can

    Reaching Level 96 has subdued my enthusiasm without doubt, there is nothing out there now, as Covenant so rightly pointed out in his thread some time ago.

  • gazcoll
    341 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 4:45 AM

    I'm with you,only have about 2,000 credits I have got the clubs I need,credits go towards paying for balls but they are expensive,and the rest go towards cc comps, for me the game is about having fun with fellow members of cc and playing some a/s games getting to know players from all over the world.Gaz