Having been away for a while, I am just now posting my thoughts on the uneven lies.....
I find them to be accurate in terms of the effect the lie will have on the ball, BUT the amount of effect it has is rediculous.Yes the ball will go left, but not THAT much on a slight angled lie...
I at first thought, "Well I'll work on it and learn the amount the lie has on the shot." Nope, I played some competetive golf years ago, on many courses and the effect is WAY overcooked so to speak....very exaggerated and since the realism of most other aspects of this game is very close, I just won't learn what I see as a poorly executed feature. I'll say it's so bad it drives me nuts, lol.....I can't afford to be any crazier!
A great idea in realism that isn't real at all...
Just throwin my opinion filled hat into the ring....