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Drivers and 3WD's under 400 credits - review

Sun, Mar 10 2013 10:10 PM (33 replies)
  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Tue, Jan 15 2013 5:45 PM

    All players without opportunity to earn credits except watching videos, have very slow growing up credit account and need a lot of weeks to have enough to buy something with worth in Pro Shop (like me). If we want to make good result at long distance holes (5 or sometimes 4 par) we need to have a better driver or 3WD club then starters. Longer shots give us more chances to get the green and, with good putter work, to have 'par' or  'birdie' score.

    For 300-400 credits we need 8-11 weeks (almost 3 months), a lot of pation and hard trying to make better our score results. When we have enough cr's, its time to improve our equipment and going to the Shop. Depends of our wishes we will spent hard earned credits hopping for good choice and club which we really want. After that the game will be totally different then before (my own experience), more pleasure and new situations.

    In this topic in next 3 posts i will try to give more informations about few clubs with
    prices under 400 cr's and giving more distance 20-30 yards then starter (basic) clubs.
    Every club review contain basic informations from wgt Shop and my experience (i was play vs player with that club).

    2nd topic - drivers reviews
    3rd topic - 3 WD's reviews
    4th topic - other infos, explanations and advices

    Time-to-time i will edit some of these topics, with new information.
    I hope this topic will help players to get enough informations and best shopping result,  they can use their time more for playing and less for searching infos etc.
    Also, i want to thank to all people and their good will and help here.
    (some of moderators cldn help me - if want. This is my 1st try to do review)

    if you read this and made good choice in Shop, be kind and post here your experience - that can help to other players for good choice or to stay away from bad 1

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Tue, Jan 15 2013 5:46 PM


    DRIVERS under 400 credits


    > Pro 9.5 (Pro+)  /250 crs/: 245y, precision=1.5, forgiv.=2.5, shot-sh=0.5, spin=0.5
      ****************   -------          ----      ***************************************************

    my experience:

    * in 2 matches opponents have that 20y more then me, no mistakes or bad shots.

    * 3rd match - many shots out of fairway

    user experience:  
    * It is however the only driver, until those high level drivers, which has high trajectory and the meter speed is the same as for the R11 and R11s. No way to be better prepared for those "big boys" than with this driver
    * I had the Pro 9.5 at 250 credits and it really improved my game at a minimal cost. Playing against the Rocketballs 10.5 (965 crs), I was pretty much keeping distance equality

    > LX  10.5        /200 crs/ : 230y, precision=1.5, forgiv.=3.5, shot-sh.=0.5, spin=0.5
      *************   -------          ----      ****************************************************

    my experience:

    - 1 match - always on fairway. not so long shots

    user experience:

    * not punish much when wrong hit meter

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Tue, Jan 15 2013 5:46 PM

    3WD's under 400 credits


    > Pro 3 FairwayWood (Pro+)  /225 crs/ : 220y, meter speed=2.5  ******************************   -------          ----                                                                                                                precision=1.5, forgiv.=2.5, shot-sh.=0.5, spin=0.5
    my experience:

    * 1 match. goes more then 220y, and many times goes out of fairway.

    user experience:  


    > G10 3 FWood (L34+)  /240 crs/ : 225y, meter speed=2.5
       ***********************   -------         ----
                                                               precision=3.o, forgiv.=2.o, shot-sh.=0.5, spin=1.o
    my experience:


    user experience:



    > Rapture V2 3 F Wood (L24+)  /250 crs/ : 220y, meter speed=1.o
      ********************************   -------         ----
                                                              precision=1.5, forgiv.=3.o, shot-sh.=0.5, spin=0.5
    my experience:

    * 2 matches, never goes out of fairway.

    user experience:

    * opponent satisfied with slow meter


    > Rocketballz 3 FWood (L26+)  /300 crs/ : 225y, meter speed=1.5
      ********************************    -------         ----
                                                               precision=1.5, forgiv.=4.o, shot-sh.=0.5, spin=0.5
    my experience:

    * 1 match - long shots. always fairway.

    user experience:



    > G15 3 Fairway Wood  (L49+)  /325 crs/ : 230y, meter speed=3.o
      ********************************   -------         ----
                                                               precision=3.5, forgiv.=2.o, shot-sh.=0.5, spin=1.o
    my experience:

    * 2 matches. really long distance. opponents goes in rough few times, at easy conditions.

    user experience:  



    > K15 3 Fairway Wood  (L37+)  /345 crs/ : 225y (216y punch), meter speed=1.o
      *******************************    -------         ----
                                                               precision=2.0, forgiv.=4.5, shot-sh.=0.5, spin=0.5
    my experience:

    * 2 matches - ball always goes to good spot.

    * 3rd match - many long shots (few over 240y). always on fairway

    user experience:  

    * slow meter like starters, good forgiveness and a bit more distance in some areas then Raptures..


    > R9 3 FWood 15'   (L62+)  /350 crs/ : 235y (209y punch), meter speed=3.o
      ***************************    -------         ----
                                                              precision=3.0, forgiv.=2.5, shot-sh.=0.5, spin=1.0
    my experience:

    * 1 match - very long shots, faster meter then starter driver.

    ' 2nd match - every1 good shots. very long. always on fairway.

    user experience:  



    > 2010 Rapture V2 3 FW(L47+)  /385 crs/ : 230y (215y punch), meter speed=1.o
      ********************************    -------          ----
                                                               precision=2.5, forgiv.=4.0, shot-sh.=0.5, spin=0.5
    my experience:

    * 1 match - powerful, a lot of long shots.

    * 2-3 match - opponents very satisfied  - slow meter - always on fairway

    user experience:  

    * you can get a powerful tee shot and a precise 2nd on long holes. slow meter and high precision+forgiveness, and the yardage is certainly better than 230.


    > R11 3 Wood          (L30+)  /395 crs/ : 227y (210y punch), meter speed=3.o
      ***************************    -------         ----
                                                              precision=3.5, forgiv.=4.5, shot-sh.=0.5, spin=1.0
    my experience:

    * 2 matches - very long shots, some ended on green, faster meter then starter driver

    user experience:  


    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                    over 400 credits----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > G20 3 Fairway Wood  (L58+)  /495 crs/ : 235y, meter speed=1.5
      ********************************   -------         ----
                                                               precision=3.5, forgiv.=2.5, shot-sh.=0.5, spin=1.o
    my experience:

    * few matches. very long distance, mostly at fairway.

    user experience:  



    > Rocketballz 3 FWood (L69+)  /595 crs/ : 240y (225y punch), meter speed=1.5
      ********************************    -------         ----
                                                               precision=3.5, forgiv.=3.o, shot-sh.=0.5, spin=1.0
    my experience:


    user experience:




    p.s. be free to invite me for match, for clubs where no comments

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Tue, Jan 15 2013 5:46 PM

    Other information, explanations and advices         -------------------------------------------------------------

    * new tier credits. every time when we reach new tier, wgt gives us some motivation credits. these credits could help us when we plan to by new clubs. here is list. ............. amateur - 75cr ......... pro - 100cr ...........tourpro - 125cr ............. master - 150cr

    * many players with higher tier or level status talk about waiting for high range clubs. that mean expensive clubs. usually cost price over 1.500 crs. when we convert that in weeks that is ... let see ... 10 months and more, for just 1 club. what to do 10 months when play with basic equip.? you dont know if you didnt try that way, or you just dont remember.  imho, after every 3-4 months we can buy 1 solid driver, then 1 solid 3WD, and couple solid wedge clubs (my first shopping - cheap putter for 120 crs), and have 10 months with much more pleasure and fun and easier life here.

    * The Raptures, wood and irons are very very good clubs, will take you a long way, maybe worth looking at. The 3 wd especially. I was gifted the K15 driver a long time ago which was very good, but not beyond Master level, it was useless in a wind against as it had a high trajectory. (oneeyedjohn)


  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, Jan 15 2013 10:02 PM

    Good work.

    I might add that in my opinion the Pro 9.5 (Pro+) driver for 250c is the best preparation for the high end drivers (available from the 80's levels and above). No, it's not the easiest to play, and no, it does not instantly give you the best scores. Going for instant result you might wanna pass on this one. It is however the only driver, until those high level drivers (Ping G20, TM R11 and R11s), which has high trajectory and the meter speed is the same as for the R11 and R11s). No way to be better prepared for those "big boys" than with the Pro 9.5 (Pro+) driver.


    PS Yeah, I know this high level equipment costs a fortune.... you do on the other hand need ages to reach required levels.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2013 12:55 AM

    A lot depends on how rapidly u envisage advancing in Levels.

    U obviously don't have loadsa credits available, just like me when I started, so I said to myself, I ain't gonna buy medium type clubs, I'm goona play my socks off and get to Level 79 and buy the Burners ( equivalebt RocketBladez).

    I happened to be a master as well, so it was a perfect marriage, haven't lloked back.

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2013 8:25 AM

    i know, here on wgt are many good people, helping to other with advices in playing techniques or support in something else. all those people love this virtual game much (like me also). nice playing, enjoying and just talking with others here, in our real life make another 1 good part. when one good man gave to me a gift at Xmas day (driver R11S) i saw a totally different way of game playing - some 'far' holes are now much likeable to play (now i have chance for 'birdie' or 'par' - unimaginable when was play before). just 1 club improved me much. more pleasure and fun. now i know that. and just few days before that i killing myself trying to make better score and almost leave some courses (for exmpl. distance to hole is 465y - my basic driver give me 225y, and basic 3WD 205y. i need 3 shots to get the green, and 1 good shoot with putter for 'par'. any mistake - 'bogey' or worse). if improve just 1 club - have a much bigger chance for 'birdie' or 'par'. i see a lot of players with only basic equipment, nice people, good shots, intelligent strategy, love this game - but distance chocking them. after 2-3 months watching videos we can earn 350-400 credits and to buy new club - and enter  to new spot with much more pleasure and new situations. for long run, if made mistake in Shop, at early time, we can have a much slower progress when discovering all those beauties of our wgt world.

    - thanks both of you guys, for your time and replies. that Burner need 8 months and RocketBallz need 11 months of watching videos. its long time. but we can read more experienced points in your wrote lines. keep helping community.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2013 9:39 AM

    2010 Rapture V2 3 FW(L47+)  /385 crs/ : 230y,
    I used it for the longest time as a TP. It was my poor man's driver once I had the level.

    For less than 4 bucks you get a powerful tee shot and a precise 2nd on long holes.

    The pros are a slow meter and high precision+forgiveness, and the yardage is certainly better than 230.

    Cons: The R11 3WD (lvl 30) might be as good and available sooner.

    Many a poor Masters experienced it's "deadly" strike in matches, probably not even noticing that I played no driver :)

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2013 6:58 PM

    thanks for review, alosso. your advices always have a sensitivity, you have natural gift to see things very clearly. thank you for that. and good luck.

  • jeepie411
    3,197 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2013 8:06 PM

    I had the Pro 9.5 at 250 credits and it reatly improved my game at a minimal cost. Playing against the wife who had the rocketballs 10.5 at 965 credits,I was pretty much keeping distance equality with her.  I just got the R11 and now she has "club" envy and is a long way off to upgrade :)