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Male vs Female avatar

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Sun, Feb 24 2013 2:39 AM (37 replies)
  • joewaters
    258 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 5:04 PM

    How come a moderator has the time to make 5 ( five ) posts in a silly little thread like this, when he must have more important things to do.


    As for differences , here are some : hairstyles

                                                        golfing attire

                                                        body shape

                                                        putting increments 

                                                        personal habits - female av's probably don't pick their                                                           noses, and scratch their gonads during your backswing

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 5:07 PM

    How come a moderator has the time to make 5 ( five ) posts in a silly little thread like this, when he must have more important things to do.

    I don't think the thread creator would call his thread "silly". Do you have any questions you would like a moderator to answer? If so, feel free to message me or create a thread on the subject of your question.


    Stay classy,


  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 5:19 PM


    My understanding was that - at least a couple of years ago - the female avatars were somewhat more precise (with an extra motion in the meter scale) but the male avatars hit the ball a little farther.

    Nope, there is no difference between the male and female avatar, other than visual aspects.


    Stay classy,


    Very interesting Pizza and I thank you for the revelation.  This means that Icon's contention that it wears a skirt because of different avatar movements is rebuked.  Here I was thinking it was crafty, but it's just another gender confused something or other.  


    Any thoughts of uprooting from the northeast and heading to San Fran where you'd be much more comfortable in your sarong?  ****love ya brother or sister or whatever you are!  You're still my b!tch.

  • joewaters
    258 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 5:29 PM

    Question, apologies if it is not ot, but here it is anyway, while you digest all those lovely differences previos posters including myself have pointed out.

    When if ever will WGT utilise the extra dots available in ball durability.

    I am currently using 'starter' balls because I am in a tourney, and their durability is excellent.

    I don't even get upset when I lose one,   hahahahaha

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 5:55 PM


    Very interesting Pizza and I thank you for the revelation.  This means that Icon's contention that it wears a skirt because of different avatar movements is rebuked.  Here I was thinking it was crafty, but it's just another gender confused something or other.

    OOp's Just another "Frisco" thing!  hehe


    Any thoughts of uprooting from the northeast and heading to San Fran where you'd be much more comfortable in your sarong?  ****love ya brother or sister or whatever you are!  You're still my b!tch.

    Easy Jake, "Ice" may be knocking on your door for a job soon!





  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 5:56 PM

    If you want to use a female avatar, knock yourself out. Just remember to sit down to pee. If you dream of wearing your wife's or girlfriends clothes then again, go for it. Personally those skimpy little underwear don't have room for what I was granted with at birth. Your choice though. Hit it straight Alice.

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 6:27 PM

    There is no difference, other than appearance. Avatars are a purely cosmetic aspect of WGT.

    Are you a "NB" too w/this game? If you are, STFU,!     Please don't make me prove throughout the years of your erogenous stalemate!

  • joewaters
    258 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 6:27 PM

    wtf is Alice

  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 6:39 PM

    There is one big difference .... Females always have a place to warm up their putter grip.

    Come on now ... you girls know i'm kidding .. it's just a darn funny picture. :)

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 6:53 PM

    Ah Lou, you "prervert"  LOL