I know exactly what you are saying but don't have the answer. It does seem like it would take the same amount of time to get to the ding. I think this is why it rockets right after it stutters in the zone.
Thanks Jake, im glad i got that across, lol. But where you say it stutters before it rockets off, i would be talking about no stutter at all, just a smooth run to the ding line before it shoots off, Without any stutter. We all know the power bar accelerates as it closes in on the ding line, but what i often see is the power bar just zooming off so quickly, that even superman would find it impossible to even get close. I would be just about to click about half way between the first line and the ding line, but by the time ive clicked, the power bar is off the scale. Now , im no slow coach, but when the power bar goes off so fast that i end up clicking near the very end off the power grid, then questions have to be asked as to why. Cheers Jake.