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Leaving game, credit give away

Sun, Jan 20 2013 1:47 PM (135 replies)
  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 9:03 AM


    I am in the same situation as you TWO........ 3 kids, work slack and struggle to pay the bills. I can't afford to pay anything to this game so I try to win credits in some RG's and my CC tourneys plus the vids.

    Having said that, I don't see why you or anyone should explain the situation as to why you asked for a gift.......the OP is offering to give his credits away, it's in the title, so why should we feel ashamed?

    It's a shame that he feels he can't play on, but if he's offering to give his credits away, where better to give them to, than the community?

    If you or I don't pipe up and ask for something we need or would like, then someone else will. Otherwise they will either go back to WGT or just sit unused in his account.

    And to those who feel it's disgusting and low......wind your necks in!.....It's a virtual game for gods sake, no-ones going through his pockets or rifling through his things......He is giving his credits away! 


    I agree with this.  No one should ever be begrudged for asking a favor.  At one time or another we've all been there or most assuredly will be there in the future.


  • Timmytoastman
    569 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 9:10 AM

    I wish you well! Some people, really don't have a choice for health reasons and such. You do and I'm sure you'll be better off for your decision! GL


  • RonLunk
    259 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 9:33 AM

    Hey Tommy, hate to see you go, but this game is getting frustrating,  If you have anything left I wouldnt mind some L48 nikes, thx and good luck to you.  Ron

  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 9:34 AM

    And to those who feel it's disgusting and low......wind your necks in!.....It's a virtual game for gods sake, no-ones going through his pockets or rifling through his things......He is giving his credits away! 

    Absolutely, but my point is that people should stop pretending to care that he's leaving, say oh no, so sorry, etc. He said he is giving them away, so there's nothing wrong with politely requesting an item. No need to to try and suck up as some people have done in this thread.

    Yes, I absolutely understand that everyone, myself included have problems in the "real world" from time to time, that doesn't mean that people have to try and act like   scavengers though. If they really cared they would have done what some people did do, and encourage the OP to try and stay or maybe take a break to cool down and try again.

    I have no problem with asking for help, I just don't agree with how it's done sometimes...

  • balisticman
    3 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 10:36 AM

    I thought Christmas had come and gone! ok Santa here's my wish list I would like a level 90 R11S driver since the proshop will only sell me one at level 94.  I would also like level 90 R11 Irons I have lvl 77 Rocket Blades I bought them because I was tired of waiting to reach level 90 but now I'm there and I regret not waiting.  I can't afford the wedges at present time level 87 plus Taylor made all three would be great and if you could throw in some nike level 75 balls I don't know four or five packs would be nice.  Have I spent 10 000 credits yet if not a max meter putter level 80 wait I must be dreaming there's no santa not here anyway.    

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 10:52 AM


    And to those who feel it's disgusting and low......wind your necks in!.....It's a virtual game for gods sake, no-ones going through his pockets or rifling through his things......He is giving his credits away! 

    Give it a break man. NO ONE said OR refered to anything as "disgusting and low". And YES, it is virtual. That point HAS BEEN made. As for "rifling through his pockets" -  in the "virtual world", in this scenario, not far from it. 

    When I first started here, I HAD NOTHING. Even if someione was giving anything away, I WOULD NEVER ask for it, no matter what. This is just the way I am. If there was something given to me out of the goodness from someones heart, then that is a wonderful human gesture but to actually say to someone "OHH, SO SORRY TO SEE YOU LEAVE BUT I'LL TAKE SOME NIKE GB"S ON YOUR WAY OUT" IS DOWN RIGHT BU*-S*-T. (PERIOD)

  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 11:03 AM

    It's a shame to see you go, you and I and am sure many others on here struggle with the same issues. I became burnt out twice after pushing myself to drop my average and level up two tiers. And when I finally made Master's tier I took a 2 week break. Hope things turn for the better for you.


    Good Luck


  • JohnPTabor
    30 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 11:32 AM

    ill take abunch of nikes plz.


  • SilentOmegaWolf
    349 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 11:48 AM

    idk why you would want to leave...if its because of making legend should know a lot of people make legend early now...I made it at lvl 75 or just have to keep playing and once you get to lvl 79...get the rocketbladez and your problems will be least thats what happend for me...just give it some wont regret it

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 11:54 AM

    adt, I don't want anything from you, except for you to listen to what I have to say. You have played for less than 3 months, have 258 ranked rounds. You have reached a level that used to take people 2 years to get to. Now you feel that you are screwed. You can obviously play this game quite well for being here such a short time. You had to be aware of what would happen, if you jumped out of the plane without a parachute. I believe the new rapid tier system has worked for some, and destroyed others. I guess what I am saying is, keep your credits, play ranked rounds to boost your level so you can get better equipment. Don't worry about your average, you can advance levels fast at the moment, hell you'll have your 500 rounds in and be one of the Elite players here. Try going from level 95 to 96, it is almost 200k. Bottom line is, you brought this on yourself, and now you have to bring a knife to a gun fight. You must have beaten some higher ranked players with your current equipment, did you ever consider the advantage you had with the shorter tees? Please don't take this post wrong, I am not a know it all or a WGT cheerleader. This is just my opinion on how things transpired, and why you are now in the position your in.
