*******************O. M. G.*********************
I CAN NOT believe some of the post I am reading here. This reeeeealy opens my eyes. I mean, I have had so called "friends" turn on me like a snake, even people in the REAL WORLD I have not seen eye to eye with have NEVER treated me the way some have here at WGT but this thread really puts a whole new meaning to "virtual friends".
Example; Hey, REALLY sorry to see you go. Maybe tomorrow will bring a new light.
Oh, and btw - NIKE GB's / One of the new drivers, OR I'll take a set of some irons if your really think your going to leave. BUT AGAIN, SORRY TO SEE U LEAVE. W. T. F. !!!!
The virtual world - EVERY MAN FOR THEMSELVES. WTF!
Ya know what man, keep your credits for a rainy day. If that day never comes, than so be it. But all this BU-*S*-T about , "hey sorry to see you leave BUT- I'll take ANYTHING thats not tied down" - screw that man. I know you're trying to be a nice person but ya know what, hold on to your credits man. Wait until you find the right person who TRULY needs the clubs or gb's.
This is VERY disheartening. VERY.