I can't help but notice all the complaints about the new golf bags, Well World Golf Tour have I got the product for you. It may have been mentioned already in earlier forums I don't know; however, I am still going to pitch the Idea again. One thing I noticed about playing the game that it is easy to lose golf balls which in the real game is the same. the only thing thats different is that I never find any on wgt courses but I always find some playing the real game. Now I don't expect that wgt would implement such a thing as finding a golf ball in the game since you are in the business of selling golf balls that would not be very profitable. This is my Idea why not sell ball retrievers. Yes you would take a small drop in ball sales but make it up in the sale of the retrievers. There could be many types or brands with different lengths and if you hit a ball in the pond ditch water hole of any kind,and if the ball was close enough to the shore the player could get back the ball. Maybe even if someone playing that day lost a ball but didn't have a retriever you could find it. This could also be used as a sales pitch if a player finds a ball that is better then the one they usually use they might buy another a sleeve. There are many things that you can do with this product depending on how hard it is to program. I think this is a good Idea that players might enjoy I hope you follow though with it and if you do I wouldn't mind a commission for the Idea it would be greatly appreciated LOL .... ;)