Slammed, stoned, screwed.... not necessarily in that order.
Is there anyother way!!!
lol all depends on the smoke, some im like a feckin dingbot, but some other put you on your *** stuff and i cant ding for crap lol
hognutz: i prefer dat mason jar 1 quart at da time
i prefer dat mason jar 1 quart at da time
CouNt me In thIs TOO!!! Southern Brandy [Moonshine to the rest] Best stuff ever made. CuRes all Ailgments, cepT for SpeLLing i Guess! LOL Cheers!!!!
Boomerboy44: Slammed, stoned, screwed.... not necessarily in that order.
You on Cabo ? :)
Yes but then the beers really messed up my meter reaction-time.
Aww ffs guys not played here for months or touched any medicine and now I'm choking for a spliff! A relapse awaits lol!
cdefghi: Does anyone else seem to play better after a blunt?
Does anyone else seem to play better after a blunt?
Jury's still out lolz ~