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Product improvements - Rev 1

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Sun, Jan 20 2013 11:33 AM (3 replies)
  • BallsDeepInRough
    4 Posts
    Sat, Jan 19 2013 9:44 PM

    Off the top of my head:

    1) Resolved: I can go to the scorecard in the game or go to hole info. However, all I see on the scorecard is a big O with wings, it desnt tell me the course name.

    2) when choosing a game you cant enter advanced criteria such as give me all games with less than a 60 second wait Or give me above amatur but below legend.

    3) you can not instant message someone, withouthaving to go to their profile and "send message"

    4) when searching on players the parameters are limited to a few fields, yet the number of fields displayed is a half dozen or so

    5) why is a single player game called closest to the hole and a multiplayer is a blitz, same for other categories

    6) when entering a game that you did not start, if the game maker leaves why isnt the new leader given the opportunity to invite friends

    7) sometimes when trying to fill a game it glitches and some people see 4 players while others see 3, therefore the game can not start

    8) why cant you "ignore" people such that you dont ever have to see them again, ie. person takes 90 seconds to load every shot lending itself to 2 hour alternate shot games or if the person is rude etc etc

    9) why cant I watch a replay without cancelling my current game. If Im viewing someones profile while in a game, I cant watch their awesome shots.

    10) should be able to change balls in a game

    11) why cant I use the same camera angle as the person hitting the ball, it appears s though you get booted off the camera angle randomly.

    12) unique sound for when its my turn to hit, not the same sound as the 30 second reminder, I dont care about the reminder if its not my turn.

    13) Make an average load time metric and make it a search criteria for games. Fast players like to play with fast players.

    14) Your friends should be able to tell what hole number you are on to see if they want to wait for you to finish game to invite you to another.

    15) improve camera angles, I just had a shot where it looked like I was hitting through my legs backwards.

    16) Add submit bug and submit suggestion to the game interface so you can sumit without having to open a post.

    17) Once you have declined a friend request, keep them from sending another request and spamming you. If you want that person as a friend you can the send them a request at a later time.

    18) I just had a chip in for an eagle to win the hole in an alternate shot game and was unable to save the last shot so I could replay it later.

    19) Sometimes when I type fast its registers my enter key before the last 2 letters of the sentence, so If Im typing cool real fast I get "co" then an enter happens, then a "ol" on the next line.

    20) When hitting "rematch" and 1 person out of 4 declines, allow game creator to remove that person that did not connect and add a random person just like your starting new game.

    21) Allow the ability to send a friend invite from the "player has disconnected" menu. Also, allow it after you have hit "rematch" and people are in the lobby waiting. It seems like if you do not add the person while in the match, you have to remember their name and manually look them up.



  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Jan 20 2013 11:10 AM


    thanks for the feedback, i'll add it to the list :)


  • pdxdriver
    2,628 Posts
    Sun, Jan 20 2013 11:23 AM

    next thing you will want somebody else to take the shot for you.

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sun, Jan 20 2013 11:33 AM

    1) after you enter a game, it doent tell you what course your playing.

    It tells you what course you're playing before you start. Even when you're in the game, it tells you on the scorecard. How do you not know which course you are playing?

    5) why is a single player game called closest to the hole and a multiplayer is a blitz, same for other categories

    They're are different. In blitz, it's about acquiring bonuses and keeping them for as long as you can to get the most points. CTTH is self explanatory.

    6) when entering a game, if the game maker leaves why isnt the new leader given the opportunity to invite friends

    You can't just invite someone mid-round. 

    9) why cant I watch a replay without cancelling my current game

    Playing the game and watching replays can only be done from the gameclient. If you're are playing a game and you want to watch a replay, save it, and watch it after the game.

    10) should be able to change balls in a game

    Under the "One Ball Rule", players can only play with 1 type of ball through the entire round. You're welcome to switch to a different ball before the game starts.

    12) unique sound for when its my turn to hit

    We already have this. It warns you when it's your turn and when you have 30 seconds left on your shot timer. 

    14) Your friends should be able to tell what hole number you are on to seeif they want to wait for you to finish game to invite you to another.

    Send them a message using the PM system. 

    16) Add submit bug and submit suggestion to the game interface so you can sumit without having to open a post.

    We already have this. Right click on the game screen, and click "Submit Problem to WGT".

    17) Once you have declined a friend request, keep them from sending another request and spamming you. If you want that person as a friend you can the send them a request at a later time.

    You can block the player which prevents them from sending you friend requests or writing messages on your wall. Go to Account, then "Block Players", and type the name of the player(s) you want blocked. You can unblock them at anytime and send them a FR at anytime you please.

    18) I just had a chip in for an eagle to win the hole in an alternate shot game and was unable to save the last shot so I could replay it later.

    You can still save it. When the scoreboard pops up before you proceed to the next hole, click "Watch Replay" and save or share it for later. You only have 30 seconds once you open up then replay screen, so make it snappy.

    19) Sometimes when I type fast its registers my enter key before the last 2 letters of the sentence, so If Im typing cool real fast I get "co" then an enter happens, then a "ol" on the next line.

    Make sure the message is completely written out before you press enter. :D

    I hope this helped some.