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Any chance of getting the email system fixed....

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Sun, Jan 20 2013 7:08 AM (1 replies)
  • Ianzzz
    6,370 Posts
    Sun, Jan 20 2013 6:39 AM

    I have changed my email address for the fourth time since the messages in the account tab were split into the sections a couple of months ago.

    I have now found that it happens as soon a I play a challenge (from the email) and then the only messages I get are from forum/CC forum posts or PMs/wallposts.

    Nothing else arrives and it is not good, as a CC owner, to not get the messages of arrivals/departures of members, without having to check the list.

    I did write this in the Bug Log a couple of months ago, and have had no word since the start of December.

    I know it is not "important" but it does help to the smooth running of my CC.

    Can it be fixed?

    Is anyone else having similar problems?


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Jan 20 2013 7:08 AM

    I have the same problem and I can't delete posts on my forum either. I have mentioned it on here but I haven't e-mailed WGT yet.