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EXP Points

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jan 21 2013 5:46 AM (0 replies)
  • BobbySteelz
    8 Posts
    Mon, Jan 21 2013 5:46 AM

    Often times in group stroke play a player quits or is disconnected somehow which effects the amount of EXP you get at the end of the round. The more players that finish the more EXP you get. Therefore if one guy disconnects the group often quits with them. I think that if a player/players stay to the end they should get the amount of EXP that they would have gotten if nobody quit...i.e. if the group starts as a foursome and one or two players disconnect cause they want to save their precious handicap then the remaining players should still get the same amount of EXP they would have gotten had the foursome stayed intact.