My caddie? There's only one caddie and it's WGT. Do I trust it? No. But if my caddie hands me a driver on the 2nd shot I have to consider if I can make it or not. I feel you're being presumptuous in advising me to do this or do that. That's not the point.
Yes, I know WGT is busy with other things. What has that got to do with my question as regards this issue? I said. I don't mind if they don't respond. You brought up my exact point. I AM saying WGT shoud write code to prevent a default driver on the 2nd shot if they deny ANY driver on the 2nd shot success.
As regards 208 yards, that's a 3 wood so your premise is without foundation. I don't care which club my WGT caddie suggests. I care that it suggests a clud the WGT has proscribed as unhittable and question why my caddie would suggest such a club when WGT rules forbid hitting a driver offl the deck.
Would you please stop telling me what it is WGT has to do and what their priorities are? I'm well aware they're busy. But I'd very much like that you actually address the issue rather than clouding it in in your perception of what WGT has to do. You have no idea of what they have to do. Only your perception.
I just want to know if a driver defaults on a 2nd shot to a par 5, is it a bug or not? If you can answer that without a bunch of gobblygook and without telling me "Check it out for yourself." I'd very much appreciate it.
That's ALL I want to know. OK?
I don't care if you think it's not a big deal. I want an answer to my question. Simple question. Is it a bug or not? That's all I want to know.
I don't want to fight with you either but I'm beginning to get peeved over your lack of understanding. You don't speak for WGT. How can you interpret what or how they will respond? How can you say you know that with wich they're busy? And how can you tell me it's 'not a big deal' based on your percption of their priorities?
You complain to me about what you think is my reporting of a possible bug as miniscule and 'unworthy'? Know what? I'll perservere and you, sir, are no longer worthy of my time. I'd rather play golf than discourse with you on this subject.