It would be of help to purchase a ball retriever from the pro shop and save a few water shots!
love this idea - buy retriever, hit ball into pond - you automatically get ball back, (minus , say half its remaining life) would have to have on/off feature in case you are using free balls.
bgoodin: It would be of help to purchase a ball retriever from the pro shop and save a few water shots!
Horrible idea. WGT would be out of business by the end of the second quarter.
72% of their revenue stream is stealing your ball when it rolls into the weeds and/or VEM'd into the water.
Why must I purchase a ball retriever? Customer Service should automatically issue one at the start of each and every membership. For the few I do hit in the water my main concern is ball life. They don't last as long here as they do on a real life driving range,practice chip or putting areas or real life golf course!