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CC tournament payouts?

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jun 2 2013 3:15 PM (7 replies)
  • Firenzo
    545 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 7:13 PM

    How do payouts work for CC tournaments. We have a few credit tourney from time to time, but may only have 8-10 members who enter. When you check the rules info, it still gives the general payout rules.  

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 9:08 PM


    How do payouts work for CC tournaments. We have a few credit tourney from time to time, but may only have 8-10 members who enter. When you check the rules info, it still gives the general payout rules.  


    whoever starts it can set specific payout.. I believe it's 1 wins all, top 3, or typical payout..


  • Timbo1984
    818 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 10:01 PM

    The only gripe I have with the in house CC paid for tourney's is the fact you can see the leaderboard before the tournament has ended.

    Which kind of hinders the potential pot, because if I see that Iconian has scored a 26 and the fee is 100cr...There is no way I'm even going to try beat that, which means thats a potential 100cr not entering the tournament.

    If it's a paid for tourney I think it should be run in the same format as a RG. Only after it has closed can you be able to see the leaderboard.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 2:54 AM

    How do payouts work for CC tournaments.
    There are three types as indicated by Icon. These will be fixed while setting up the tournament and are visible in the game window when selecting that tournament.

    Payout is right after the tournament is finished.

    Here you find the payout rules.

  • jeepie411
    3,197 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 5:44 AM

    If the payout is for the top score is that per tier? If not why would someone with a low tier enter and waste credits against a Legend who has the availability of of superior equipment and leaves virtually no chance of beating them?

    This is not clear in the payout tab in the FAQ's

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 5:47 AM

    CC tournaments aren't tiered by set-up but each tier plays from it's tees (common green speed though). It's up to the CC to create, designate and respect tourneys for individual tiers, with big chances of players' faulty entries.

  • Scoton
    174 Posts
    Sun, Jun 2 2013 2:43 PM

    The only gripe I have with the in house CC paid for tourney's is the fact you can see the leaderboard before the tournament has ended.

    Which kind of hinders the potential pot, because if I see that Iconian has scored a 26 and the fee is 100cr...There is no way I'm even going to try beat that, which means thats a potential 100cr not entering the tournament.

    If it's a paid for tourney I think it should be run in the same format as a RG. Only after it has closed can you be able to see the leaderboard.

    +1 !

    Well, except for the "only gripe" part... I have more gripes! ;-)

    For example, IMO WGT's 20% rake is excessive. 0% would be great, 5% would be fine, 10% would be OK. 20% is just plain greedy. Even at 0%, WGT would make money by encouraging PLAY (thus ball and equipment sales, and overall happier players - who will then spend more time on WGT, thus buying even more balls and equipment, etc.)

  • dulcevida
    1 Posts
    Sun, Jun 2 2013 3:15 PM
