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practice putting green & driving range

Mon, Mar 5 2018 12:25 AM (14 replies)
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  • MatthewinVT
    1 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 8:16 AM

    Hello World Golf Tour,

    It would be a useful addition to the game to add a green and a driving range. I Ienjoy the game a lot your graphics are amazing and the golf swing is pretty realistic.


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 9:16 AM

    True, but you can go into practice mode and take up to 10 shots per hole, putting, practicing rough, etc. You'll probably find that practicing on the actual holes is more valuable in the long run than a driving range or putting green.

  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 9:37 AM

    True, but you can go into practice mode and take up to 10 shots per hole, putting, practicing rough, etc. You'll probably find that practicing on the actual holes is more valuable in the long run than a driving range or putting green.

    The ability to hit the same shot multiple times in solo practice is sorely needed. Maybe implement a mulligan option to hit a certain shot in the same wind as many times as desired, and a restart hole feature to play the same hole in a range of winds.

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 10:47 AM

    I definitely go for mulligan in practice mode.

  • bluescouse
    1,185 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 10:54 AM


    I definitely go for mulligan in practice mode.

    Splendid idea - I second that!



  • Bailey2115
    226 Posts
    Fri, Jan 25 2013 5:46 PM


    True, but you can go into practice mode and take up to 10 shots per hole, putting, practicing rough, etc. You'll probably find that practicing on the actual holes is more valuable in the long run than a driving range or putting green.

    The ability to hit the same shot multiple times in solo practice is sorely needed. Maybe implement a mulligan option to hit a certain shot in the same wind as many times as desired, and a restart hole feature to play the same hole in a range of winds.

    I remember a while ago wgt had a mulligan option but they got rid off it.

  • 8802
    4,334 Posts
    Fri, Jan 25 2013 9:20 PM

    If they did have mulligans, they should bring them back.  Ridiculous that they are not an option.


  • golfman454ss
    146 Posts
    Fri, Jan 25 2013 9:35 PM

    I think that's a great idea a mulligan option in practice  single player mode only.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Jan 25 2013 10:11 PM

    There haven't been mulligans since I've been here. I guess they think it would help people to move up more quickly and so they would lose ball sales.

  • Brewnoe
    41 Posts
    Fri, Jan 25 2013 11:14 PM

    (I've never seen a mulligan option either)

    I posted it as a random thought in another thread, but I'll put it here since this thread is already near the top ...


    Measured as a % of the 3-ball sleeve price for a 75 ball bucket (roughly the standard large bucket in my area) ...

    What would you be willing to pay for a driving range/practice area?


    Actually, it would probably need to be 5/10/20 credits + x% of the ball price per bucket to allow for the "cheap balls"


    If people are willing to pay for practice, would it add some revenue incentive for a "choose your drop spot" function?

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