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Legend Clubs

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Sun, Jan 27 2013 2:48 AM (9 replies)
  • rzman
    166 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 11:21 AM

    I turned Legend at level 86 but can't buy the R11s driver till I reach level 94.  It seem to me that the club should be available to Legends or once you reach level 94.  Makes it a little harder to compete from the back tees with out it.

    Just my thought.

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 11:26 AM

    i find that i'm not out driven that much by people who use the R11s and the same L71 nikes , i use the R11 L88  ...

    1,141 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 11:52 AM

    the driver u have fine... 5 more yards ... gunna make that much diff ?  

     i play with other who use that one... depending on the kik.. its about 50/50 on who is longer... 

    it comes down to putting .... NOT driving every Time .. 


  • saltiresfan
    2,266 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 11:56 AM

    Well lucky you turning legend at L86. Think I turned legend at L80 and it took me another 4/5 months to get my hands on the R11 irons.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 12:20 PM

    From your stats it's your putting that needs improvement. No offence meant.

  • borntobesting
    9,775 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 1:25 PM

    the driver u have fine... 5 more yards ... gunna make that much diff ?  

    5 yards? There is only 2 yards difference between the Level 81 G20 he has and the R11. And the G20 is slightly more forgiving and has a slower meter speed. And the G20 has only 1/2 dot less precision. And the meter speed of it matches the rest of his clubs better than the R11 would. If I didn't already have the R11s Driver I would seriously consider the G20. 

    As several of you have pointed out it all comes down to putting and that and an inability to handle high winds at times are my biggest problems. 

  • rzman
    166 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 1:31 PM

    Probably only matters in my mind...but this is a head game isn't it.  lol

  • rzman
    166 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 1:32 PM whole game needs work.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Jan 25 2013 11:25 PM

    Well lucky you turning legend at L86.
    *puts on sales glasses*


    Now he may make the company happy by grinding his way to the coveted clubs. (L94 @929.000 XPs). 500+ rounds will bring him a lot of fun and make him spend +-100 sleeves.

    *sales glasses off*

    This is no pun against you, RZ, but it shows why it is like it is.

  • mbrown13kos
    179 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 2:48 AM

    To the Legend or R11s issue I had this as well. I bought the G20 when I hit L81 and turned Legend shortly after that and play the Nike L71 ball. When I turned Legend the R11 were available at L88 and the R11s were available at L90. For the most part those I play with are Legends and some use the R11 and others the R11s. The R11 really didn't go that much further except against high wind but the R11s went further than both. My issue is while waiting to reach L90 WGT decided to raise the stakes and make the R11s available at L94 while I was at L89, needless to say I was angry but I must say with the G20 and L71 Nike I can hold my own with those with R11s and L71 Nike. The biggest advantage I see because I play with these individuals is you can buy a less expensive ball when you have the R11s because it hits a little further, but when you have the G20 like I you have to shell out all those credits for a longer hitting ball. Optimum distance off the tee is the R11s and L71 Nike balls.