Is anyone else have flash issues, today is terrible. I was wondering if there was a flash update,and if so how do I get back to the old one?
Gary ( woodo ) ju....jum.......ju mpy today.
I thinks there's been some tom-foolery done here.
Go here:
Then don't forget to change your Flash settings to not automatically update (under global settings)
There was an Adobe Reader update today, not to be confused with Adobe Flash.
See my response (3rd after OP) in this thread: 152786.aspx
Kill all non-WGT sites or set their allowed Flash storage to zero, with the 'Never ask again' box ticked
I think he's talking to you YJ.
I was 1st. after I know it's not me.
LOL. The 4th post, 3rd after the OP. You have to click on his link to get there. ;-)
try downloading chrome flash version 278 and disable all others. 278 never seems to have probs others do! lol
i've used version 11,4,402,287 on Chrome for more than 6 months without any problems