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rated by 0 users
Sat, Jan 26 2013 6:16 PM (2 replies)
  • jono32
    19 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 6:33 AM

    hey   is anything going to be done about the *** ass quiiting on here. also the fact people cant even forfeit they should get penalised for this and when they cant even quit properly and  you try to go back in 3 times it wont let you then i loose game play % because they cant even quit properly how is this fair? more so when you having a good game which my average may have gone down but because of them will never no.....


    also can anything be done about this meter jumping issue or is that just my computer  but lots of people complain about it it ruins my game allot. this probably a waste time you never seem to reply.....not very good service i enjoy the game and the site apart from these issues. please look into it if people were penalized more maybe by average they wouldn't sign into a game and not play and stuff it up for others or quit half way through. mofe so not even quit properly ty.

    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 5:47 PM

    is anything going to be done about the *** ass quiiting on here

    Join a country club and friend up members, less chance of DILIBERATE quitters.

    can anything be done about this meter jumping issue

    NO. WGT refuse to acknowledge it, thee are things you can do to help.

    Join the bandwagon here


    1,141 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 6:16 PM


    lets see.... u have 220  friends... it would seam you could find at least a couple that will finish a game with you..

    but.. it could be ...that even tho u have play'd,, KIAWAH,, front a GAZILLION times... and are up to level 82 ..but only still a pro ...may be the reason alot quit on ya... ummm  lets say if yer in the ruff all the time .. 

    as for the meter ... there have been TONS of helpfull stuff on that here in the forums.... or again ..mabey one of those 220 friends can help ya out...

    but hope ya feel better..