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New tournament suggestion

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jan 27 2013 4:53 AM (0 replies)
  • Davgelb
    15 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 4:53 AM

    Well, I checked the list of FAQ and suggestions and didn't see this one (although I bet it's been thought about before) so here goes. 

    I suggest that there should be a variation on the CTTH tournament play involving the "Potential Best" stat.  In other words, a Potential Best CTTH tournament where the player with the best PB score is the winner.  Obviously, the first two or three holes would probably be replayed for maximum score value but as with any CTTH play, they would not count unless all 9 holes were played. 

    The winning score certainly wouldn't be zero, but who knows?  It could be 1.34 or something like that.  If there is a tie for first place, then the person with 2 aces beats the person with only 1 ace.  Doesn't matter which holes they had the hole-out on.  Both players had 2 aces?  Then the next lowest score is the tie-breaker.  Again, doesn't matter which hole it was on - a score of 0.26 beats 0.27. 

    Every course could be used and variations in wind speed or green speed or pin location for each tournament on each course would increase the variations available for a whole new set of competitions.

    And to some degree, it allows players at all levels of ability to play on an equal footing.

    Any thoughts?