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buying clubs

rated by 0 users
Mon, Feb 11 2013 1:30 PM (21 replies)
  • jamiepower1111
    9 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 1:51 PM

    Im glad im not alone, I spend hours and hours improving my game and finally winning some credits, and im excited to buy new stuff and i cant, Its a real turn off man!   



  • jamiepower1111
    9 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 1:59 PM

    Why should I, its their mistake,

    1,189 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 2:32 PM


    for some reason i cant buy clubs, I have enough credits,  I go to the pro shop and to the club i want and the little box that says "buy"  is not there, anyone else having this problem?


    I occasionally experienced that same issue with IE. I couldn't find the green "BUY" tab anywhere. I think it has something to do with the resolution you're using, but not sure.

    However, I found the green tab anyway. It was hidden (covered) below the ball price, burried under the "related items" and "player reviews". I couldn't really see it (just a small green patch). But try hovering a bit with your mouse cursor over that area and see if the arrow changes into a digit (if you see anything green). If you click that, the actual purchase page should open, at least it did for me.

    I wish I could explain this in a more scientific manor, but I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say.

    P.S.: Btw, I only experienced these issues when the proshop items were lined up in a "2 in a row" format, those issues were never present in the usual "3 in a row" format.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 2:41 PM

    Cut copy and pasted using a Microsoft OS and IE browser.... just sayin'

  • jamiepower1111
    9 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 2:30 PM

    Thats a great pic, it explains everything, the bottom righthand quarter of the page has the item " rocketball full set ", a paragraph then 3 buttons, the buy now button is one of them as shown, but all of that is gone for me, instead theres a little " like " box  from facebook and beside it says " click if you like"  and nothing else, the problem is facebook, if that wasnt there, it would work, how do you get rid of that facebook thing...

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 8:15 PM

    Ok Jamie lets look at the source code on that page for those clubs.

    Rigth click anywhere on that page to bring up a MENU>VIEW SOUCRE

    A new window will open with the code for that page, go do to Line 428 - 430 and see if you see this code there.

    <div id="ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_body_bodyContent_bodyContent_RentPanel" class="item_rentme">

    <a id="ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_body_bodyContent_bodyContent_RentLink" href="/proshop/rent.aspx?i=0d8753e9-5418-4808-a45e-09f3c625de36"><img id="ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_body_bodyContent_bodyContent_ThemeImage4" class="buy_now" src="" alt="" style="border-width:0px;" /></a>

    If it is there then the page is not rendering properly in your browser. Then again if you are not using IE8 like me it may be different. But this is the  code that displays that Buy Now Button.
  • jamiepower1111
    9 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 4:45 AM

    It stops at line 335!


  • jamiepower1111
    9 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 5:13 AM

    IT WORKED!!! I have windows 7 and i couldnt download IE8, so i downloaed IE9 and it works, thankyou 1000 times for your help

  • Holandgeo
    5 Posts
    Mon, Feb 11 2013 7:14 AM

    Hi Jamiepower1111
    Did you do as the WGT man asked and post a picture and details of your router?
    If so, what was the outcome?

  • Holandgeo
    5 Posts
    Mon, Feb 11 2013 7:15 AM

    ...sorry, I meant browser, not router...