for some reason i cant buy clubs, I have enough credits, I go to the pro shop and to the club i want and the little box that says "buy" is not there, anyone else having this problem?
I occasionally experienced that same issue with IE. I couldn't find the green "BUY" tab anywhere. I think it has something to do with the resolution you're using, but not sure.
However, I found the green tab anyway. It was hidden (covered) below the ball price, burried under the "related items" and "player reviews". I couldn't really see it (just a small green patch). But try hovering a bit with your mouse cursor over that area and see if the arrow changes into a digit (if you see anything green). If you click that, the actual purchase page should open, at least it did for me.
I wish I could explain this in a more scientific manor, but I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say.
P.S.: Btw, I only experienced these issues when the proshop items were lined up in a "2 in a row" format, those issues were never present in the usual "3 in a row" format.