xstinsonx:Exactly my point. I just played another where the bet was 444. WGT got my 44 creds and winner should get 400. Said I won 400 creds again but only actually won 356. If this is the case and not a bug then ok live and move on. But when I see messages saying
You're not grasping it yet, so let me try to explain.
The WAGER was 400 credits ... that's what was put in the pot for both players.
The 44 credits paid by both players ( seperate from the wager) is the fee you both pay to WGT for the "privilege" wagering your own money . That 44 cr is taken out of our account as soon as you hit the first tee.
When you win the match, you win the other guy's 400 cr .. his wager. The 44 cr that you think you're missing were never going to be yours..WGT pocketed that along with your fee.
Your account shows exactly that .... -44 cr mpc fee + 400 cr for the win. You "win" 400 but only net 356 cr on that 400 cr wager.
EDIT ... Unless one of the players actually buys credits, the only real winner is WGT. Both people pay WGT to hold the money until after the match and then shuffle the numbers around.