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Match Play Challenges please help!!!

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Sat, Feb 9 2013 1:34 PM (15 replies)
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  • xstinsonx
    363 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 7:42 PM

    Okay so I have played in around 4-5 mpc's now where I won and the bet was for 444 credits. Now my understanding is that 44 creds will be taken out from both players as WGT's rake. I have won the match and it says I have won 400 credits but yet I actually only receive 356 credits. So I'm taking it as instead of the 88 credits WGT is taking an additional 44 credits from the winner? First and second time just thought it was bug and let it go but now 4-5 times its starting to become very annoying to me. 

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 7:53 PM

    Can be seem complicated to begin with but click on 'account' and read WGT rake..(I mean FEES in faq's), it soon becomes clear they not ripping you off :)  

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 7:56 PM

    Each player donates 10%



  • xstinsonx
    363 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 8:00 PM

    Seems like a week ago though if I won a 444 mpc I actually won 400 credits. If that is not the case than they should change it where it says challenge amount 444 "winner will receive 400 creds" if you are actually only going to win 356 

    So by reading that I should have collected 400 creds when I only collected 356. 


  • row2seat2
    1,441 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 8:37 PM

    So really its 20%, that pawn store rates!!!

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 9:22 PM


    So really its 20%, that pawn store rates!!!

    No, it's 10%.....Each.


  • TarheelsRule
    5,611 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 9:36 PM

    Actually unlike Vegas, WGT takes 10% from each side.

    Thus if you bet 500 credits, you get charged for 550.  You will win 500 though.  The loser gives up his 500 credit bet and 50 to WGT.

  • xstinsonx
    363 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 9:44 PM

    Thus if you bet 500 credits, you get charged for 550.  You will win 500 though.  The loser gives up his 500 credit bet and 50 to WGT.

    Exactly my point. I just played another where the bet was 444. WGT got my 44 creds and winner should get 400. Said I won 400 creds again but only actually won 356. If this is the case and not a bug then ok live and move on. But when I see messages saying I won 400 creds I expect 400 creds added to my account.

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 9:46 PM

    WGT Math, it's actually the law of rake. loser lost 444, you won 356, that's a 88 credit difference that WGT took out of a 888 credit total bet. 10%

    Whatever the amount, you need to win at least 2/3 or you are raked to death by 1000 pin pricks. But lets keep that our little secret, it's hard enough these days to get a challenge match with the protect the cry baby sandbagging rules.

    Rake is just plain greedy in this case, house won already when you bought the credits as there is no ability to cash out.

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 10:59 PM

    Exactly my point. I just played another where the bet was 444. WGT got my 44 creds and winner should get 400. Said I won 400 creds again but only actually won 356. If this is the case and not a bug then ok live and move on. But when I see messages saying


    You're not grasping it yet, so let me try to explain.

    The WAGER was 400 credits ... that's what was put in the pot for both players.

    The 44 credits paid by both players ( seperate from the wager) is the fee you both pay to WGT for the "privilege"  wagering your own money . That 44 cr is taken out of our account as soon as you hit the first tee.

     When you win the match, you win the other guy's 400 cr .. his wager.  The 44 cr that you think you're missing were never going to be yours..WGT pocketed that along with your fee.

     Your account shows exactly that .... -44 cr mpc fee + 400 cr for the win.  You "win" 400 but only net  356 cr on that 400 cr wager.


     EDIT ...  Unless one of the players actually buys credits, the only real winner is WGT. Both people pay WGT to hold the money until after the match and then shuffle the numbers around.

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