May all you putts be true R.I.P Mike
I wish to thank everyone for showing there support . I know it means a great deal to his Wife and kids. He was a long time friend and it means a lot to all of us here at ECGA also.
I had the honor of playing with Mike several times. He was a great man and always was making us laugh.
You will be missed greatly my friend.
RIP Mike
Our CC has had victims of cancer, we are proud to fly his banner.
You will be missed Mike. I'm glad I had the privilege to be apart of the same C.C.
Rest in Peace Michael! May God watch over your family.
Never played with Mike, but I am a privileged member of the same CC.
RIP Mike - you are missed.
I didnt know Mike but it will be my privilege to fly the banner in his honour
DAD111: I didnt know Mike but it will be my privilege to fly the banner in his honour Bob
Ditto. RIP Mike :-(