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how to make this game better

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 31 2013 8:33 PM (11 replies)
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  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jan 31 2013 3:32 PM

    The only thing the OP has got right is TWO and WGT are in a different class but sadly he  mixed them up. I too have played TWO and its is for gamers and not golfers as it is not a realistic simulation of golf. My 10 year old son  played TWO and played very well until he got bored and this is the difference, that to play WGT well you need to actually learn and and then put your knowledge into practice. I think if you gave a Chimpanzee TWO to play, the chimp would also get 5 or 6 birdies in succesion - its that easy.

    Basically the OPs stats are horrendous with the exception of fairways hit and to improve these you will need to actually purchase better equipment (either through earning free credits or opening your mommys wallet). 285 ranked rounds and you have not learnt how to play better? Hmm perhaps you have a single digit IQ or judging by your spelling in the post, you are very young. After that amount of RR I had made master - and yes that too was with only starter equipment. I am just an average player who enjoys a challenge but there are many players who are truly great at this game - acheived by practice (to whom I admire for their tenacity and patience).

    Finally all I will say is you keep saying WGT could make this much better - well where are your suggestion/ideas but I assume that is too much to ask as it would require some thought processes to float around that little brain of yours. add some constructive suggestions and WGT MAY listen.

  • daclone187
    4 Posts
    Thu, Jan 31 2013 8:33 PM

    sound like this game is too tough for you already. I would like a driving range and a practice green.


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