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Fri, Feb 1 2013 2:53 AM (4 replies)
  • Donnie73
    144 Posts
    Wed, Jan 30 2013 2:25 AM

    What is the formula for determining how much percentage your average will drop per game ?


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Jan 30 2013 10:16 AM


    What is the formula for determining how much percentage your average will drop per game ?



    it's determined by total games played, so early on it will change rapidly, but once you have a list of games under your belt, it should settle down.


  • Donnie73
    144 Posts
    Thu, Jan 31 2013 2:54 PM

    Thank you for that reply.  My question is on some courses I may score four under par and my average will drop .01.  On a different course, I  score  four under par and not drop at all.

    What determines the average to drop ?   Is it the number of birdies, the amount of people whose playing the game with you, the course itself, etc.  

    Please explain.  Thank you.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Feb 1 2013 2:20 AM

    Quite a few things to consider:

    1) for average calculation, you don't take +/- Par but the gross scores. Difference: Up to two shots. There's no additional influence in strokeplay games.

    2) It's essential to know whether your average is saturated or not. Above 500 Legend scores, only the 500 best scores count and the average can only drop or stay. Below that number, it's floating.

    3) Important to know if it was a 9 hole or 18 hole game. 9 hole scores are doubled which may increase the effect above tremendously. -4 on OLY front nine is 30 => 60 score, having a good influence on your handicap of 64.36. -4 on STA full course is 68, negative or nil influence.

    4) as a Legend, the pool of numbers may become very big, up to 500 scores. The average will roughly move by the difference of the new score to the average or the highest saved score, divided by 500. The minimum move is 1/500 = .002. Therefore, a change in calculation may be invisible to you if it's less than .005.

  • Donnie73
    144 Posts
    Fri, Feb 1 2013 2:53 AM

    Wow   Thank you for your reply   That does bring a better understanding to the scoring.