It doesn't even need to be a driver,
Just anything new for TL's would be nice, I think most TL's will quit or start over or definitely play alot less than they did pre TL, what challenge is left ? What clubs are there to buy? It's not about scoring less and less, it's about keeping us interested in the game, how WGT can achieve this, I don't know..
I personally think there should be 2 levels of TL, as a new TL, I cannot compete with the real big guns so I don't enter the TL Rg's, my ave may have dipped below 60 to get me here but I'm not scared to admit that there is a HUGE gulf between me and a TL with an ave of 55/56, that's for sure..
I'm not complaining about it, just a recommendation that would make sense to any new TL.
It is just a title, nothing more, doesnt make me somehow superior to anyone else but without anything left to strive for, it has become kinda boring..
Just my 5 cents :-)