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Ready-to-Go Games

rated by 0 users
Sat, Feb 2 2013 1:14 AM (3 replies)
  • CJWeirich
    4 Posts
    Fri, Feb 1 2013 8:50 PM

    I have just been killed by the expiration time of a tourney  I was on m last hole, with my last 4ft putt to finish the game and the D*%# timer stop my nice round of 63. WGT need to fix this.  When someone starts the tourney in the specified time, they should be able to finish that round. 

    That is just not sportsman like conduct.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Feb 1 2013 11:58 PM

    On the contrary:

    It's not sportsmanlike to start a tourney game, save it and come back hours or days later while ev1 else waits for the player. This would be possible from your proposal.

    For the sake of the community, there must be a fixed end of the tourney. It belongs to the duties of the players to obey to these limits. Thus you killed your round yourself.

    Edit: Even more in a RG. If you choose to wait till the last second it's all up to you.


    Everybody knows (or should know) when the weeklies/monthlies end, it's 11:59 pm PST.

    The timing for RGs and CC tournaments is indicated in the tournament section of the game client.

    And, BTW, the time may have been elapsed before. The program only looks at the clock on the last stroke.

  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Sat, Feb 2 2013 1:02 AM

    When someone starts the tourney in the specified time, they should be able to finish that round. 

    If you are actually talking about RG's, then I'm sorry, buy I have no sympathy for you. You would have had 12 hours, at least to finish the round but choose to tee off in the last hour???

    I, together with quite a few out there already feel that 12 hours is too long for them. Why not sign up and play, or maybe a few hours later, but not just before it closes.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Feb 2 2013 1:14 AM

    +1 pb!

    It's more than 12 hours assuming he hasn't been the last to enter. If he then doesn't care for the deadline, the deadline rightly  doesn't care for him.